Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jaduka DukaDial offers Free north america calls

Do you remember the good old times when we posted the "Ultimate Jaduka Hack"? I still remember the wild crowd this blog received during that time. With over 50,000 people and over 130,000 PV within 3 days, Jaduka was a instant hit. Of course our hack was used by over 30000-40000 people around the world to make totally free calls including India. It worked for the entire world actually. Alas, the good times don't last long. On special request of the company, we took down the post.

However Jaduka kept coming back with innovative products such as Earthcaller which was totally free for over 6-8 months since it's launch and was also posted FIRST on VOIP Guide. We broke the news to the world. We also released a sneak workaround to make totally free calls anywhere in the world with Earthcaller :-) They fixed that bug later.

Now they launched another product called DukaDial which basically is a free calling service for north america residents. Lets see how you can use DukaDial to make Free Calls.

1) Register at DukaDial
2) Enter the number of the person you wish to call.
3) Click the "Start your call" button.

DukaDial will call you first and then dial your party's number. All for FREE. You enjoy Phone to Phone calls for free.

You should be able to make calls to all North America numbers ( i guess mobile won't work?)

Of course, this will only work for people with US numbers.


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