Monday, March 17, 2008

VOIP Telephony God Rusell Shaw

rusell shaw
We are extremely shocked and speechless to hear that great VOIP Blogger/ Journalist Rusell Shaw of ZdNet VOIP, IP & TelephonyCategory has passed away on 14th March in a hotel room.

Rusell was honest and blunt VOIP journalist. If you have read his articles on VOIP & Internet Telephony, you can quickly tell he can make large VOIP companies change the way they work. He was one of the rare journalist who always advocated consumers more than companies. His thorough coverage during the iphone lauch was spectacular. His reply to ATT, Vonage over patent issues was as crisp and perfect that he could have been hired as a legal advisor.

I am simply shocked to hear this news and currently don't have much to say. At the same time, i wonder is there anyone in ZDnet team who can be as good as Rusell? I highly doubt. I can tell you this, there could be a new journalist replacing rusell at Zdnet VOIP & Telephony section, but that VOIP space will always remind me of Great Rusell shaw.

Some of my favorite post Rusell posted on ZDNET VOIP Section:

1) Sprint Wireless Broadband

2) Sunrocket Coverage: When sunrocket VOIP went down. We covered it on VOIP Guide as well.


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