Sunday, March 9, 2008

Voixio offers free worldwide calls

Someone asked me if the Ad-based free calling model work any good for VOIP providers? I would well it seems it does. We found a great new provider who is offering free international calls to anywhere in the world in lieu of advertisements.

First up, Thanks to aditya Sood (Ontario, Canada) for sending over the news. The new VOIP provider is Voixio.

Voixio offers a flash based interface with panels seperated with functionality. One panel is dedicated to advertisements and one panel is dedicated for Making calls. They also offer Video call facility whereby you can make calls using your webcam for video feed.

In plain english, Voixio offers free international calls anywhere in the world in leiu of advertisements. The moment you hit the call button, an advertisement starts running the Advertisement panel. Once the ad is over, the call is placed to the other party.

Lets see how you ca use Voixio to make free calls.

1) when you go to Voixio, a screen will pop-up to enter your username/password, is where you log in by inputting youremail address and password and clicking the LOGIN button and also given an option to register.

2) Voixio will detect the webcams and microphones that are available on your computer and these will bedisplayed when you click the “Camera & Mic” button located under the main video window and to theright of the volume slider bar.

3) You can make calls to Standard domestic and international, landline and mobile telephone numbers or other Voixio users or any SIP address.

4) Of course you can choose to receive calls on Voixio from any other users or SIP address. When you receive a call (either audio or video) the keyboard area is replaced by answer or ignorebuttons for you to select.

5) You can free conference calls between voixio users. You can add callers to an existing conversation (or conference) by making a call to an additional user,thus inviting him/her to the conference.

At this stage, its not very clear about the length of the call. When we tried, our call wasn't placed properly. The call got cut immediately after ringing for about 30 seconds. Although, when we tried USA it worked fine for about 5 minutes. We cut the call ourselves.

This should work just fine for countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

So if advertising dont bother you much, free calls are at your doostep with Voixio. Give them a try and let us know how it went.


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