Friday, April 25, 2008

SMSDiscount offers cheap international calls

People come to FREE VOIP Guide for bargain hunting on Cheap international Calls, specially to India and most of the other Asian destinations. Today, we look at another VOIP provider which is left out and not so popular. Thanks to Partha Das for sharing this with us.

Betamax as we all know literally have over 20 odd Cheap VOIP Calls service clones and SMSDiscount is one of them. Primarily a cheap SMS service they also offer competitive cheap international calls to many countries including free international calls to some countries.

The good thing about SMSDiscount is they offer SIP support unlike other services like 12voip etc.

SMS Discount SIP settings:

SIP port : 5060
Registrar :
Proxy server :
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your smsdiscount username
Password : your smsdiscount password
Display name/number : your smsdiscount username or voipnumber
Stunserver (option) :

SMSDiscount is currently offering 2 eurocents (4.8 US cents) per minute to India which isnt the lowest but competitive. Tringme offers 3.99 per minute.

For non-SIP users, In order to use SMSDiscount you need to download their Softphone client.

If anyone is using this VOIP service, do let all know your feedback.


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