Sunday, June 29, 2008

Video Conference Calls Services

Web Conferencing is a huge market and will continue to be one especially for business VOIP customers. Now the market is moving towards Video Conferencing. Video Conference Calls are going to take over the teleconference calls market.

Traditionally Web conferencing was limited to Teleconferencing but with broadband becoming cheaper day by day, People now moving towards Video Conferencing as a primary platform. Video Conference Calls are now being used more than ever. The challenge however is to allow Video Conference Call via SIP. It seems companies such as Flashphone have done it via Flash based SIP phones.

Flashphone's Zingaya Media Server is now able to make video calls from flash to SIP soft/hardphones which support H.263 video codec. The next step is to allow multiple participants to Video conference via FlashPhone.

We did a test run with Alexey of Flashphone and it worked great. The Video Quality was good (if not great). I am sure there is more to do to improve the quality of Video conference calls. Unfortunately, at this stage Mobile VOIP is not fully supported by Video conference Calls. I am confident companies like Fring are working to build that in their next version.

A few other Interesting online video conferencing solutions:

1) We discussed about EkkoTV a cool web based video conferencing solution. It can support upto 3 people in a Video conference call. You don't need to download any special video conferencing software to use this.

2) TokBox: a great new way to make video conference calls via Web. Tokbox is very similar to EkkoTV and doesn't need any special Video conference softwares to work. Pure Web based Video conferencing service.

3) OoVoo: Unlike other web based conference solutions, OoVoo is application based. You can do multi-people video conference. Offers free calls to USA. Works very similar to Paltalk.

4) DimDim: Open Source Web Based Video Conference service. You need to download their Web Conferencing plug-in the very first time you use their service. Flawless and excellent Video Conferencing solution. On top of it, it does what other web conferencing solution do. Sharing Documents, Presentation works great with DimDim. Its open source and Free.

If you know any other Video Conference Call Service, do let us know.


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