Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Betamax VOIP monopoly - We need strong VOIP Competitor Service

I guess everyone would agree that Betamax pretty much rules the low cost international calls market. However, they take undue advantage of this situation and change calling rates overnight to make up for the low calling rate.

Over last 2 years of VOIP Guide, I have received over 100+ email from readers who complain about Betamax literally stealing from their pocket. We all know how betamax gets the new customers. They decrease the rates to the lowest international calling rates for a country. People like us gets lured by those lowest international calling rates and throw away our regular cheap VOIP service. Put $10-$50 into the betamax account and after about 2 weeks, betamax increases the rate (almost 50%) which is as good as or even more than what you are paying for on your regular calling card or VOIP Service. At the end of the day, we need really work out what's works best for you? Short term cheap calling rate or a long term stable calling rate? I would prefer a long term stable calling rate any time. I personally do not put money on any of the betamax product.

We really need a alternate VOIP Service which can seriously compete with Betamax with rock bottom prices. Most importantly the prices atleast need to be stable for 3-6 months. In fact, traditionally calling rates have been going down rather than going up. I do not see any real reason unless telecom infrastructure costing companies any real overheads to increase the calling rates or their telecom carries wants to make more money. Today, T1/E1 calling rates to India are as low as 3.99 cents per minute (no Grey routes). Grey routes can go at 2.99 cents per minutes. In fact, I spoke to one extremely large VOIP Service provider from Singapore (name withheld for anonymity), they said they can provide India calling rates as low as 3 cents per minute for retail customers. Looking at these numbers, I feel confident that India could be as low as 1-1.5 cents per minute by 2009-2010, which is as good as USA and if someone can absorb that cost with a strong advertising model, they can offer India as free international calling destination.

I personally believe VOIP Companies today lack focus. They need a bunch of marketers who understand how to market their world class VOIP service and take it to the masses. When people ask me why Jajah is so successful, I tell them "Jajah is no special, they did what you didn't. Market the bloddy Product and take it to the masses". There are only two things exist in oligopolistic markets, Either you stay in a niche and target smaller but lucrative consumers who pay you premium amount for your service or You charge pennies and get massive volume of consumers. If you are not in either of this, your future is THE END.

If any VOIP Companies needs consultancy on Marketing Strategy, they can now hire me as Consultant. I am already in the process to get my first client (hopefully soon). If interested, you can email me at ut(dot)godmode@gmail.comwith a brief on your business.

Readers, I would like to know who you feel is the most stable VOIP Provider in the current market and can be a good alternative to Betamax in Long Run.


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