Friday, August 8, 2008

Lypp extends low cost conference call service to 20+ countries

Most of the low cost conference call and free conference call services are based out of USA and Canada and some in UK. However not many conference calling companies have really taken the other developed or developing markets seriously.

Especially Australia, Europe, India and China has huge potential for Conference Calling Service. With offices, Call Center and BPO services moving to office to get the cost advantage, companies are not replying on cost effective methods of communication and of course everyone needs to talk to their employees without the need to travel to different office. The need of Video Conference Call services and Call Conference solutions is extremely high during this transition period.

Lypp, a low cost conference call service now extended their services to over 20 + countries mainly Australia, UK, Germany. Existing and new users in North America can also now include participants from 20+ countries. They only charge you for minutes you use and there are NO additional long distance costs if you use the outbound calling feature. Lypp can be used via traditional toll-free conferencing or via outlook or blackberry phone.

We believe this market is going to increase further with more and more conference calling companies explore emerging markets for conference calling services.


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