Monday, August 25, 2008

WebCallDirect offers cheap calls to india at 2 cents per minute

Betamax recently changed SMS Discount cheap calling rate to India from 2 eurocents to 2.5 cents. So we had to find another alternative to make cheap international calls to India. Today, we found another betamax service WebCallDirect offering equally good price at 2 eurocents per minute.

WebCallDirect is another betamax service which hasn't been in news much. As you all know, SMSDiscount is no more offering 2 eurocents per minute to India and have increased landline calls to 2.5 eurocents per minute. Besides, WebCallDirect we can also use CallEasy which continues to offer at 2 cents per minute to India landline and mobile.

You can also use WebCallDirect with SIP Phone or VOIP Adapter. Use the following SIP Settings for Web Call Direct.

SIP port : 5060
Registrar :
Proxy server :
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your Webcalldirect username
Password : your Webcalldirect password
Display name/number : your Webcalldirect username or voipnumber
Stunserver (option) :

We recommend you use the G.711 codec for quality audio.

Keep a watch on cheap calls to India and let us know when you find a cheap VOIP Provider for India.


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