Monday, September 22, 2008

DialMyCalls offers Group Conference Call

After VOIP, Conference Calling is a huge market. With billions of dollars at stake with Companies all over trying to cut down cost of travelling by using Conference Calling. Companies such as Tanberg and Polycom pretty much owns the Office Conference Call systems market. However we can't write off some of the interesting startup conference calling companies who have been giving innovative solutions to the market.

We largely covered Free Conference Call and Low Cost conference call providers during our last series of post. Today, we look at another innovative service which primarily targets offline conference call facility, more of like a group call however transmitted at specific time as Voice Message.

DialMyCalls is a USA based Group Phone Call service which claims to offer flexibility to deliver messages to people you choose. Imagine you running a community event and want to call every single community member for participation. Now this look simple enough how about you have 1000 members? Darn, does that sound too difficult? Again the cost of calling each member is a overhead. That could cost you some hundreds of dollars anyway.

DialMyCalls is targetted to people who have this problem of calling multiple people and sending them the same exact message. This could also be useful for businesses who would like to inform all their client over one single group conference call.

So How DialMyCalls works?

1) You need to signup for their Service- They got Free and Paid options. Free Service can give you 1 message broadcast each day for 25 people. Not bad.
2)You then need to login to your account
3)Add contacts whom you would like to receive your group call message.
4)Now Record your Voice Message over Phone or upload as mp3/wav or use Text-to-Speech tool.
5)You can schedule the time of broadcast.
6)Once send you can check detailed reports.

Service runs pretty good when we tested with 10 people. This is really good free group call voice messaging service if you have a small community of people who need to informed.


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