Tuesday, September 23, 2008

SIP VOIP on Tmobile Google Phone G1

TMobile launched Google Phone G1 in USA but that raises many questions regarding it's compatibility with VOIP and SIP. Its the first phone designed on Google Andriod platform.

Althought Tmobile G1 created a lot of buzz, it doesn't seem like a great fit for business users or users who really want to make free international calls or use VOIP on their mobile phone. The mobile VOIP isn't really an option on G1 atleast looking at it's initial specs.

Wait, don't writeoff G1 Phone yet, They have Google Talk in G1 which you can use your data plan to make calls. Lovely, so how would you setup SIP VOIP with Google Talk? They are many ways, at this time Tringme and Gtalk2VOIP both supports SIP/VOIP through Google Talk. In short, if you are able to hook up any VOIP provider via Google talk you can use VOIP on T-mobile G1 Phone. There are many other ways of hooking it up to Free Virtual PBXservices like mysipswitch etc.

Let us know if you have any other ideas to enable VOIP on TMobile Google Phone G1.


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