Monday, September 1, 2008

Skypecast Conference Call System abandoned

Skype has finally pulled the plug on their popular Audio Conferencing Solution, Skypecast. There are rumours that Skypecasts were pretty much the overhead for Skype and it wasn't creating enough value considering the effort/time/resources it was using up while running.

SkypeCast was however a great way to hold large (100 people) audio conferences over the internet. With Skype being extremely popular, SkypeCasts were popular amongst the set of people, especially website owners or businessmans who often arrange a conference call for their visitors/Clients. Its just so easy to host a voice conference on Skype and invite members or let them join you as public conference call sessions are open to everyone.

However, since SkypeCast is history we need to move on. Are there are great alternatives to SkypeCast? YES.

1) Paltalk: Extremely popular Voice and Video Conference Call Service in USA and Canada. By far the largest user base for any Video Conference Software.

2)OoVoo: Fast becoming popular and a close competitor to Paltalk. OoVoo not only offers HD quality Video calls but also offers free international calls to USA.

3)TokBox: Another browser based Video Conference Calling system.

4)EkkoTV: Definately one of the most Simple, Interactive and cool Video Conferencing Service.

If you know a service which can be a good alternative to SkypeCast, do let us know.


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