Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fring Mobile VOIP testing Trial Ads

With Global recession mounting over every industry including VOIP, VOIP Providers and VOIP Application developers such as Fring are looking for more revenue making ideas than just giving away FREE VOIP or mobile voip calls.

Fring is and will always be the leader in Mobile VOIP, atleast for a few coming years. However mobile VOIP offlate hasn't really took off for two primary reasons. Mobile Companies are still scared to try this out as an alternative business revenue model and shed off their GSM income and secondly, consumers are over the Mobile VOIP hype already. All they want to see now is a good way to save money during this difficult times.

For Fring, this is a great opportunity to build a good revenue model and demonstrate their VC/Partners that Fring can be a long term profitable firm, if at all sold it would get a fair price. With millions of downloads of Fring Mobile VOIP, the trial ads might work well. However can they sustain this?

With companies all over the world cutting down their ad budgets( Foolish move), its very unlikely that Fring would make loads of money. However better today than later, Fring could easily penetrate this market and keep on improving on their already solid Mobile VOIP platform. All they need now to go mainstream and hit a few deals with operators such as Verizon, Vodafone and T-Mobile and that could as well be the most successful VOIP business model world has even seen. Imagine operators pushing your product into the market is the dream of any VOIP Provider.

Fring however faces stiff competition from Nimbuzz. Do check them out, they are worth your time. I still remember talking to fring VP over a quick coffee, that their biggest rival in the current market is nimbuzz. I feel nimbuzz should be proud of the fact. Nimbuzz recently announced Partner agreement with leading VOIP Providers around the world to support SIP Calls across the network.

Good time ahead from Fring but as I always say, If you want to be successful during Recession, Stop thinking about Profits and start thinking about innovation. This innovation will eventually make you loads of money when the market is back in action.


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