Sunday, December 7, 2008

VOIPHit Betamax SIP based VOIP Service

Betamax is a powerhouse when it comes to VOIP Services. They setup new VOIP Services almost every 3 months. Start with extremely low VOIP Calling rates and get you on the board easily.

However one of the most important feature is still missing on many of the existing Betamax VOIP Services such as recently launched VOIPZoom, that's SIP. I hope many of you are already awaere of what's SIP. If not read our Idiot's Guide to SIP.

SIP is now a standard in VOIP telephony but not many VOIP providers reveal SIP details. However, it seems betamax has launched a VOIP Service called VOIPHit which is purely a SIP based VOIP service. They also have VOIPHit softphone which you can download, or just use it via X-lite or setup on our VOIP adapter or SIP Phone.

VOIPHit does not offer any free calling destination. Its only a cheap international call service.

VOIPHit SIP Settings:

SIP port : 5060

Registrar :

Proxy server :

Outbound proxy server : leave empty

Account name : your VoipHit username

Password : your VoipHit password

Display name/number : your sipusername or sipnumber

Stunserver (option) :

Codecs :

G.711 (64 kbps)

G.726 (32 kbps)

G.729 (8 kbps)

G.723 (5.3 & 6.3 kbps)

GSMFR (13.2 kbps)


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