Monday, January 19, 2009

EarthCaller VOIP Service out of Business?

Thousands of people reported to me over the last few days that they can't access the popular north american free calls service Earthcaller. We did a few checks and founds that EarthCaller is indeed not working anymore and most likely not going to work anymore in future.

Earthcaller is a product of Jaduka Labs and been running for well over a year. It's one of the most widely used VOIP service to call north american telephone numbers over the internet.

Why did Jaduka pull the plug on Earthcaller?

1) Cost: Many people still do not know that when a VOIP service provider offers free voip calls, he still pays for it. Takes all the expenses on his head and gives you a free call. Even though calling USA numbers is very cheap, its still a cost.

2) Excessive Calls from International Users: Jaduka always wanted EarthCaller to be used by native americans than anyone else in the world. One of the primary concerns is lack of Advertising potential and abuse of the service.

3) EarthCaller most likely will be replaced by DukaDial(Free Phone to Phone Calls only in north america) and DukaUS (free conference service). It makes more business sense for Jaduka to restrict their services to North American audience only.

Does this signify a major shift in the Free VOIP Market?

Yes, This could signify that VOIP Firms are looking for ways to cut down costs, make money through targeted advertising and create a north american base. Its extremely valuable to have a database of north americans that users in Asia. Trust me it counts.

We did some further investigation at Jaduka Labs to only find that EarthCaller is no more listed there, which simply tells us they quietly closed down EarthCaller for good.

That leaves you with a few choices to make free international calls to USA. I would recommend Mediaringtalk.


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