Sunday, February 15, 2009

Calling India through VOIP becomes even Cheaper

VOIP has really broken into traditional telephony in a good way which saved everyone millions of dollars in each year which often ended up with greedy telecom operators. Most telecommunication providers in almost every part of the world have made enormous amount of money through traditional POTS lines and VOIP is a technology of revenge. India is one such destination where VOIP did wonders.

I remember when IDD rates to USA were far out of reach of average indians and were quoted in the range of Rs. 40-50 per minute. Today, you can call USA for less than 1 cent or even FREE. Calling India was also very expensive however since last 6 months, more and more VOIP Providers are almost making India a free destionation. We believe calling India at half cent per minute would be a dream come true, hopefully soon.

Today, we are announcing latest calling rates to India by LocalPhone and Mediaringtalk. Although, Mediaringtalk was always providing cheaper international calls to India, they now reduced the rate further to mere 1.7 cents per minute to Indian landlines/Mobiles.

LocalPhone, my personal favorite VOIP Provider has slashed their rate to just 2.9¢ now. I believe LocalPhone will push this to around 1.5 cents very soon if they continue to generate revenues and get large user base. They are currently one of the few VOIP Providers doing extremely well with their Service and Profits.

Lets' hope the price war continues so we have more choices to call India and of course, its a healthy competition amongst the VOIP Providers. Personally, I don't fall for cheap prices, I consider Cheap rate + Quality of Voice + Customer Service. LocalPhone has been excellent to me in all this categories, so I stuck to them even though I pay higher rate. I however strongly recommend MediaringTalk if you are looking for a cheaper alternative, the choice is yours.


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