Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Smart VOIP.com now offering cheapest calls to India

We talked about AirtelCallHome promotion yesterday, today we noticed that Smartvoip has reduced calling rates to India.

Smart VOIP is a betamax product and now they are offering calls to India at 0.005 eurocents (0.0063 US Cents) making it the cheapest VOIP call to India even cheaper than our favorite actionvoip. As we said before, Actionvoip's competitive india calling rates will only trigger a massive price cut for calls to India and consumer will benefit.

The new rates are effective immediately so if you already making calls with smartVOIP, you should have noticed the rate change.

Smart VOIP also offers SIP support that means you can use SmartVOIP over SIP Phone or any supported SIP device.

You can use following SIP settings for SmartVOIP:
SIP port : 5060
Registrar : sip.smartvoip.com
Proxy server : sip.smartvoip.com
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your SmartVoip username
Password : your SmartVoip password
Display name/number : your SmartVoip username or voipnumber
Stunserver (option) : stun.smartvoip.com

These new rates for India are already lower than our target price of 1 cents per minute calls to India. Can India would soon be a free destionation? Probably not unless VOIP calls can be terminated as FREE or cheap calls on our mobile or landline networks. Greedy Mobile operators and landline companies won't let it happen. Lets just expect that stiff competition will force them to lower the price. Let them fight as we benefit from lower calling charges.


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