Friday, May 15, 2009

Unlimited Free International Calls to India and many countries

This is huge. You can now make unlimited free calls to india (Landline +Mobile) and more countries such as USA, Canada, Thailand and Russia. This is VOIP Guide exclusive news, don't miss it!

You are already aware of the great free international calls provider Poketalk who constantly added more countries to the free calling list. Poketalk contacted VOIP Guide asking for suggestion on offering free calls to India. With over 2 days of testing, Poketalk and VOIP Guide is happy to announce that you can now make unlimited free international calls to India (Landline +Mobile)

The only downside for this service at this time is its only available for callers in UK or if you have a UK geographic number and are able to call to one of the Poketalk's Access numbers. Please note poketalk access numbers are o2 mobile numbers so if you have a BT, NTL or mobile operator plan which includes free minutes you can use them to call poketalk access number.

Let's see how to make a free international call to India or other countries offered by Poketalk under this Dial-in plan.

1) Register at Poketalk
2) If you are already registered with Poketalk and have a Poketalk PRO account, you can apply a coupon to get 10% extra credit. This is again another exclusive offer for VOIP Guide users. The coupon code is voipguides

How to Apply Coupon in Poketalk?
a) From Account Page, go to PRO tab.
b) Under PRO, you can see your PRO Balance. Click on Add Credit.
c) you would see 3 options, Choose Coupon tab.
d) in the code field, enter voipguides and click Send. This would instantly add 10% extra talktime into your account. This also works for existing PRO users.

3) Now from your UK Mobile or Landline, Dial one of the following Poketalk Dial-in Numbers:

447624100180, 447624100183, 447624100184, 447624100187 (If you are calling from UK, you can skip country code 44 and instead replace it with 0. I believe a local UK user would know this.)

4) Once you are connected to one of the access numbers, a lady would ask you dial the number of your choice in proper country code+number format + # key.

e.g If you are calling India landline in Mumbai, you would enter 912223420000#

Note: Wait till the lady finishes talking and then enter the number. If you enter the number before the call won't go through. This bug is reported to Poketalk by me today so hopefully they would fix this. I asked them to add a beep and then ask users to enter the number.
5) Talk as much as you want.

Now, I know many of you guys are furious over why this service is only for UK. Well, at this time this service is in beta and poketalk is actively looking to start this service in USA, Canada and many other countries. We have already requested for this. Don't worry, we will ensure that this happens.

All existing Poketalk customers, don't forget to use coupon code voipguides to get free extra credit. It applies to all old and new customers.

Secondly, don't forget that this service works for other countries such as USA, Canada, Thailand and Russia (Landline + Mobile).

Guys, Make the most of it and secondly, Please report your feedback on the call quality, new features etc. Thanks again to Shai Genish of Poketalk for working with us on this exclusive news.


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