Tuesday, June 9, 2009

budgetsip.fr offers cheap VOIP International Calls

Today we looked at Voiplip a new betamax VOIP service under Dellmont Sarl VOIP business and it seems they are on the roll with new VOIP services like budgetsip.fr.

budgetsip.fr looks like a Betamax/Dellmont Sarl outfit but i wasn't able to find About Us page for budgetsip. Let's assume its a part of the big betamax VOIP business.

budetsip.fr seems to just another VOIP service to get some users on the board, however it does offer some competitive calling rates to destinations such as India. If you call india using budgetsip you would be charged only 1.2 cents for landline and 1.4 cents for mobile. Probably not the cheapest VOIP Provider to call india but not a bad deal either.

Betamax always throw around superdeals across their VOIP services to basically force you to signup under most of them. Each account you own with betamax will force you to buy atleast $5 calling credit, this is their business plan and that's how they make money. If they had to really provide you a quality VOIP service, they would have given all the goodies, VOIP service quality, customer service under one single VOIP Provider.

BudgetSip also supports SIP which is fast becoming the preferred standard for VOIP. In a few years, people would stop using VOIP Providers who shy away from giving their SIP details.

BudgetSip SIP details:

SIP port : 5060
Registrar : sip.budgetsip.com
Proxy server : sip.budgetsip.com
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your budgetsip username
Password : your budgetsip password
Display name/number : your sipusername or sipnumber
Stunserver (option) : stun.budgetsip.com

We are not sure how long BudetSip.fr is into service. If you have been using BudetSip do let us know your feedback/comments on budgetsip.fr


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