Sunday, June 14, 2009 VOIP is sold to SabSeBolo Conference Calling Service

Jaxtr, one of the earliest free voip service has been officially sold to SabseBolo web conference service. Sabse Technologies is owned by Sabeer Bhatia. Can you continue to use Jaxtr free voip service? Read on.

Jaxtr was struggling like many other free voip providers such as Jangl, Talkster. However was able to sustain with VC's money and strong userbase. It was definately not a long term business model for Jaxtr to provide free voip service with such a revenue model.

According to the deal, will continue to operate under its ownbrand name and SabseBolo Web Conference Service will maintain and expand the Jaxtr services. Jaxtr claims that they have 10 million userbase around the world, however I wanna know how many of them are actual users?

In Web 2.0, VC's should start asking about real valuations of the VOIP Providers. You may have 50 million userbase but only have 1 million active users, who can be targeted for monetisation.

Why SabeseBolo is interested in Jaxtr VOIP when they offer conference calling service and not VOIP. Sabse Technologies, based in Mountain View has developed an application in the TAAS (Telephony Applications as a Service) space coupled with a web based API (application programming interface) that allows development for telephony applications. SabSe's customers include AirTel, Tata and Celcom. It seems Sabsebolo would most likely expand Jaxtr to a business VOIP Model and most likely to drop the Free VOIP idea or could turn to heavily advertised VOIP.

Users like us can only expect that Jaxtr improves their free voip service and if possible, connect seamlessly to Web Conference Service so users can enjoy the best of both.


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