Tuesday, June 16, 2009

OoVoo Web Video Conferencing relases Mac Version

Web Video conferencing market is on the rise in United states, primarily used to save cost on travelling. When you can do a video conference call, why travel? OoVoo is one of the leading free web video conferencing software.

We discussed about OoVoo a few months back as a promising new video conferencing service.

Oovoo announced the release of ooVoo 2.1 for Mac version. Oovoo is a free video conferencing solution but it also has a paid low cost conference service which you can use for $8 to upto $18 per month which basically allows you to talk to more conference call participants.

The paid OoVoo account mainly gives you HD Video conferencing. Just to add, the free video conferencing service is supported with Ads.

Besides, the Oovoo Mac Version, Oovoo also launched Web Call feature for people who don't have the piece of software installed on their machine. You can create a callme button and send to your friends who don't have OoVoo installed so they can still make calls to you.

The best part of OoVoo is HD video conferencing, which is still in premature stage. There is lot more these VOIP and Video conferencing companies can offer. HD Video conferencing is the next big thing in web conferencing as more and more conferencing calling companies adopting to this change. Cheap bandwidth and faster streaming speed can make HD video conferencing a breeze.


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