Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Skype expands skypein virtual numbers amid legal issues

World's most widely used VOIP Service, Skype is hit by legal issues and this time it might lead to a skype closedown but skype's clocks is still ticking with new features.

As you might alreayd know, Skype of uses peer to peer technology for VOIP. Now this peer to peer technology is proprietary piece of software code licensed to EBay (parent company of Skype) by a company called Joltid. Joltid now claims that EBay has violated unspecified terms of the applicable licensing agreement and is therefore suing EBay to regain exclusive rights to the code. EBay however denies breaking any of the provisions of its contract with Joltid and warns that if EBay loses its legal rights to the software then “Skype’s business as currently conducted would not be possible.”

Does that mean Skype would be closed down? Oops, we don't know yet but this legal battle would be as interesting as Google Vs Apple & AT&T over Google Voice.

Guys at Skype , however are not taking a chance and reportedly developing their own piece of code to replace this peer to peer technology. However it won't be easy for skype to build this so soon with beta testing and lot more to achieve before it becomes a stable product.

People at skype business side are however expanding their reach with skypein and have added South Africa, Netherlands and Malta to the skypein country where you can get a skypein number. If you wanted to own a number in any of these countries, this is your chance to grab a skypein number.

Unfortunately there is still no skypein for canada yet and users in canada are screaming for one. Wonder why skype has never managed to get skypein in canada.


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