Thursday, August 6, 2009

What if Skype VOIP Service Closed Down

Skype is facing legal issues over their VOIP Software code with the parent company and if they lose the legal battel, it might be an end of skype, the world's most popular VOIP service.

What will you do? Can you believe a life without skype? Well those who are familiar with VOIP, would likely to switch to other VOIP Providers but those who have no idea what VOIP is or rather synonym skype to internet telephony would need more help to get over the skype phenomenon.

Today we have thousands of VOIP Providers operating in the market still I believe skype is amazing and one of finest VOIP applications ever built. Thanks to its peer to peer technology and proprietary audio codecs which gives the highest audio quality. People swear by Skype's voice quality and its a benchmark to analyse a VOIP Provider's call quality.

I want to know which VOIP Service will you use if Skype goes down the hill.


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