Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Free Virtual Phone Number with Virtual PBX

You probably never heard a service offering multiple free phone numbers in USA and at the same time, offers a Virtual PBX, call screening and many advanced features. Let us unleash this goldmine today. Wait! Its not Google Voice.

Google Voice does not provide a Virtual PBX service but you can hook into it. However, we are talking of Virtual Phone Number Provider inumbr, a service by Craigslist.

Being anonymous on the web especially while giving away your real numbers is extremely important especially for teens. iNumbr gives you a free US number which you can forward to any US Landline and Mobile number (including Google Voice numbers) and share this free inumbr with srangers or even your friends. You can configure the free virtual number for availability, time of service, call screening and much more.

iNumber has added some really great features to this already awesome Free Phone Number service.

1) Earlier, you can only get a free inumbr for limited time like hour, day or week but now You can keep your inumbr active as long as you desire. Check Advance settings when you login to inumbr.

2) If you are not available on your primary number, inumbr will reach you on follow me number.
3) Check your voicemails online.
4) Ability to block calls from blocked Caller IDs
5) iNumbr automatically filters out known telemarketers calls. I love this :-) Annoying telemarketers finally got an answer.
6) Do not disturb during certain time of the day or night
7) Caller greetings and voicemail greetings

The above feature literally makes iNumbr a virtual PBX system in many ways. Its Free and a great companion to Google Voice. There are literally various ways you can use inumbr in daily life. Scratch your head and register at inumbr today


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