Friday, September 11, 2009 offers free international calls to india

Access number based VOIP services were popular a while back but then Iowa Access number services faced legal hassles forcing most VOIP access number services to go out of business.

If you remember, Our friend Pat Phelan's and yak4ever both of which had to be shut down when they ran into legal issues with telecom service providers over termination fees.

However, it seems there are more VOIP providers ready to gamble with this strategy and the good thing is they are offering free international calls to india and many other countries.

Freecall2india is accessible from USA, UK and Brazil. You need to call their access numbers. Please note that when you call these access numbers, you will pay for the cost of calling the access number only. The international call leg is free. However its always better to check local calling rates to these numbers.

Once you are connected to freecall2india access number gateway, dial your preferred number in this format: Country Code (USA) + Area Code (Miami) + Phone Number #. For calling India, you would dial 9122268333456#

You can call following countries with Freecall2india (I really have no idea why they named the service free call 2 india when they offer more free international calls destinations)

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Canada Mobile, Chile, China, China – Mobile, Colombia , Croatia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hong Kong – Mobile, India, India – Mobile, Indonesia , Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico , Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Singapore – Mobile, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Thailand – Mobile, United Kingdom, United States , United States Mobile, Venezuela

* Mobile calls are also supported in select countries.

You can use one of the free calling services to dial their access number, so you get a end to end free international calls. You can either use Google Voice or any other free calls to USA service.

Do let us know your feedback on and their quality of service.


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