Monday, October 19, 2009

Skype to Buy Gizmo5 VOIP Service?

Skype is seriously feeling the competition from Google Voice and has to react very quickly in order to maintain the leadership in the VOIP Space. Does that mean they are looking for a acquisition?

Skype, the world's most widely used Internet Telephony PC to PC VOIP service has lost serious ground lately with literally new VOIP services being introduced almost every month. With Companies like Google providing Google Voice, a totally free calls to USA and Canada service and bunch of value added features. The time is tough for Skype. Does that mean they are desperate to hold their no.1 position?

Techcrunch reports that Skype might buy Gizmo5. Most of these news are often rumours but if this is true then it could be very much like the Jajah + Yahoo Voice deal where Jajah taken over millions of existing Yahoo Voice customers overnight and became one of the largest VOIP Providers in USA.

Skype is also desparate to answer the "Not open to SIP" criticism. Taking over Gizmo5, a fully SIP based VOIP service, Skype might be able to send the right message to the customers and media. This also opens up the whole market as Skype via Gizmo5 can connect to Google Voice, which means in future you might be able to place calls to Google Voice numbers via Skype or vice versa.

Whatever happens from this deal, we as consumers will only benefit. I personally feel Skype's approach is the right one for survival. Lets hope we get benefited from the end result.


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