Monday, November 9, 2009 Voip Gain Betamax VOIP Provider Review

Betamax did it again! A new VOIP service from Dellmont Sarl just hit the market, but is it worth your money? Find out as we review Voipgain, the new Betamax VOIP Provider

As we successfully concluded during our last discussion that, every month Betamax (Dellmont Sarl) comes with a new VOIP service provider to tempt VOIP users around the world with cheaper international calling rates and offering some free international calls to destinations. The strategy is always simple, offer a few free international calling destinations not offered otherwise, so you are sure to gain some customers. is no different from recently launched VoipGain offers free international calls to about 35 destinations which also include Malaysia (Landline) and China (Landline + Mobile). Voipgain offers 1 cent per minute to India landline and 1.2 cents per minute to India Mobile. Anyone see agreesive calling rate strategy here after Rynga increased their rates to India to 1.5 and 1.3 respectively.

Lets see how you can make calls with VoipGain.

1) Voipgain offeres full SIP support, which means you can use Voipgain with SIP Softphone or VOIP Adapter.

VOIPgain SIP Settings:

SIP port : 5060
Registrar :
Proxy server :
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your VoipGain username
Password : your VoipGain password
Display name/number : your VoipGain username or voipnumber
Stunserver (option) :

2) Phone to Phone: Remember that if you use phone to phone feature, you need to pay for both connections.

3) Local Access Numbers: VoipGain has local access numbers in lot of countries including USA, UK, Canada and Australia.

If you want to use Voipgain without using SIP as pc to phone service, you need to download voipgain softphone here.

Honestly, I do not see any reason to go for VoipGain as we all know whats going to happen next, however if you are still in love with Betamax and like to try VoipGain, play safe and deposit $10 and use it while their rates go up again.

Let us know your voipgain review/feedback if you are already using them.


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