Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fring now enables Skype Video Conferencing Support to S60 SmartPhones

Fring is again in acceleration mode after being quiet for a while. With competition popping up in the Mobile VOIP space, Fring still enjoys customer loyalty.

Fring now added support for video conferencing using Skype technology on S60 devices, the first time that the feature has been made available on mobile handsets.

Fring will now allow users to initiate and receive video calls with and from other Skype users, with support for mobile-to-mobile and mobile-to-desktop calls. The quality of the video is not HD but its the start of the Video Conferencing via VOIP applications on Mobile.

As we know Mobile is the next platform for innovation with literally billions of dollars are being spent to advertise and gain customers on the mobile platform.

Fring's Skype Video Conferencing can now be used by all Nokia X6, N97 mini, N97, 5800, N95 8G, and N95 users.


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