Monday, December 20, 2010 Send A Personalized Call Free From Santa Claus using Google Voice

Google Voice has just bought the world closer with a new way to send personalized greetings from Santa Clause to anyone in USA. Don't miss this great way to reach your friends, family and kids this christmas.

Google Voice along with Varitalk offers a great way to send personalised voice greetings to any US number for Free. Try it now

when you visit, it will ask you a few pre-set questions in order to design your voice greetings. Once done, it will replay it for you if you wish to change it, if not just confirm it and the system will ask you for your phone number and the receiver number. The voice greeting can be delivered as phone call or voicemail.

This is surely the easiest and free way to greet people this christmas. Why spend money on calling people on christmas when you can wish them as Santa on eve for Free?

Do Let us know who you are sending those christmas greetings :-) more info at Google voice blog


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