Tuesday, January 30, 2007

GizmoCall - Web Browser Based Free Call

GizmoCall a SIPphone service has launched a new web-based voice-over-IP (VoIP) service that will allow users making phone calls directly from their web browser. It all based on Flash.

I wonder how many other websites do that. It doesnt seem Jajah used Flash. However, I am not able to find any real difference in using Flash Plugin to make a call. I will do some study and testing and will post some results.

Back to the news, The web based interface allows the users to enter the enter in international format such as (+12221112121) and then click Call. If you dont have a flash plug-in installed (first time users), then it will ask you to install the plug-in. Just install and it will automatically recognise it. Then the call is sent out to the number you wanted to call.

You need to use headphones (or speaker) and mic to talk.

According to the website, Users get five minutes of calling per day to just about any phone number and can double that if they register with an email address. For more calls, users can purchase Call Out minutes. Besides PSTN phones they can call for free google talk users, Windows Live users, Gizmo Project users and any other SIP address/device.

This sounds too good to be true.

Important TIP: when i made a call, the 5 mins timer started running. I wonder if they track users by IP address. What if you use a proxy :D...maybe we can make more calls by using a hack. Let me try and find some solutions. I am currently at office and can't use any proxies here.

Make a Call now

Monday, January 29, 2007

Allfreecalls.net adds 9 more countries to FREE CAll List

Allfreecalls.net has added 9 more countries to the free list. I had people asking me about free calls to these countries. Now try using this service.

Antarctica 672

Bangladesh Dhaka and Chittagong available

Chile- all fixed codes available

Estonia- all fixed codes available

Iran- all fixed codes available

Serbia- all fixed codes available

Slovenia- all fixed codes available

Venezuela- all fixed codes available

Mexico- 55, 81, 33 Mexico City (fixed),

Monterey (fixed)

Guadalajara (fixed)

If you dont know how to use this service Read here. Only the first section is relevant for you.

If you are not from US, read this hack to connect to their gateway. Read the full post carefully.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dubai UAE Bans VOIP Free Calls

When the world is moving towards a FREE VOIP/Telephone world, asian countries are trying to reverse the trend and balance is out. Countries such as India, Bangladesh have already put in restrictions on VOIP and going to tighten it further to restrict free voip growth.

To add to this growing list of "VOIP Blacklisted" countries, UAE had declared to ban all free voip calls in Dubai Free internet zone. uulfnews report says, " From next month internet users in Dubai's free zones will be barred from calling phone lines from their PCs using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in an apparent change of heart by the UAE's telecom regulator." EITC, which operates under the brand name du, said the block covers all free zones and all calls from PC to fixed or mobile phone using the public internet.

Ultimately, "All calls from PC to fixed or mobile phones using the public internet will be blocked. The impact will be mainly on international calls. Other VoIP calls such as those from a PC to another PC worldwide are not blocked. Calls could also be received from overseas internet users. However, this service could vary depending on other countries'.

Its not yet very clear if the ban is on certain countries. However, it definately suggest that asian countries are running away from the shadow of "Free VOIP" or perhaps more interested in ensuring their telecom operators are benefited rather than the people.

After 5 years, the rest of the world will be on VOIP and Asia will be running a traditional PSTN lines. I am happy atleast singapore doesnt have such stupid regulations in place, thats why i love this country :-)

read original news here

Saturday, January 27, 2007

VOIP Spam Detector from NEC

NEC has developed a Spam detector to be using a computer to determine whether a caller is human or a machine. This sounds similar to Skype Lie detector released by skype some months back.

NEC will debut its new SPIT (spam over Internet telephony) blocker, called VoIP SEAL, at the 3GSM congress in Barcelona in February. The company has given few details of its workings other than to say that it uses a three stage approach to detect and block SPIT calls. I will give you some insider news on 3GSM. Thanks in advance to Georgina Firth ( A regular visitor & Friend), who will be visiting 3GSM conference, Hopefully :-)

The news says - Calls arising from spam-generating-software and calls from real individuals are separated by a Turing test. Before connecting the call, VoIP SEAL detects and blocks the unauthorised access based on the communication pattern observed during a call.

Although, NEC indicated that this might not be a commercial product so soon. So maybe users like us might have to wait for another year or so to have some good filter on unwanted VOIP calls.

VOIP Free Calls -FAQ Question & Answers

VOIP Guides is one of the fastest growing blog in the VOIP space today. Thanks to everyone who contributed by visiting or commenting or even by sending some valuable emails and comments.
Thanks everyone who emailed me with some great thank you letter and even some hatred emails (not many, but some people can't see good things in life). Ignoring the hatred emails, I have always made it a point to reply everyone. However recently, the emails kept pouring in and i was too busy to reply everyone. I am sorry if i have missed your emails or comments, however I have chosen some random emails for this special FAQ section. I am sure this section will help everyone who don't want to spend time reading through articles and find answers. I hope this post will help you get some quick answers to your queries. so Keep sending your emails and i will answer them on fortnight basis. Hopefully we will have 2 such posts every month.

For privacy reasons, I am not including the sender's email address. All questions are unmoderated for original content.

1) I frm Malaysia, plz help me......show me how to make free call to malaysia
mobile ??? (not using Gizmo)---Aninyan, Malaysia

Answer: You can make free calls to Malaysia Landline+Mobile using Lowratevoip. Voipcheap only allows free calls to landlines.

2)Hello, im from the netherlands. And I want to call via VOIP to Morocco
(Mobile or Landline) for FREE. Any suggestions? Or maybe, people from
Morocco call to Netherlands (Mobile) FREE?---Kevin, Netherlands

Answer: Unfortunately there are no service providers at the moment offering FREE calls to Morocco, however anyone from morocco can call you using this hack

3) i want to call bangladesh free from internet or land line. how can i do that. Shanto-Bangladesh.

Answer: Lowratevoip.com is currently offering a FREE Call service to bangladesh, make the most of it, since its getting tougher for voip service providers. If you don't know why read here

This was the first Question & Answer session. I will be writing more such FAQ post to help everyone get quick answer.

Thanks and keep visiting your favorite VOIP Blog

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Bangladesh started action against illegal VOIP providers

I recently covered a news about Banlgadesh local telecom and government keeping a close eye on revenue loss due to free VOIP providers routing calls via other mediums and resulting in a million dollars loss to the local telecom provider, BTTB (Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board).

This news wasn't really just a threat, but it became reality when The Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) seized Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) equipment worth around Tk 25 crore busting an unscrupulous phone service business at Azimpur in the capital yesterday. According to The Daily Star, With yesterday's recovery, the Rab has busted eight unauthorised VoIP business centres -- seven in the capital and one in the port city of Chittagong -- since December 26.Illegal VoIP operators use the equipment to generate or terminate overseas calls by first turning voice calls into data, routing it over the internet and then turning the data into voice again. The method, also known as internet telephony, bypasses BTTB (Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board), the sole carrier for overseas calls in Bangladesh and thus gets away without paying a huge revenue.

Those people who were using their service will not suffer. However, am sure there will be new illegal voip providers start mushrooming in no time. This will always happen until the government takes some serious steps to fuel the growth of VOIP in properly regulated manner. They require a strategic planning rather than a force to shut down those providers.

Anyone from Bangladesh can share their views?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Jaxtr-A Free VOIP Phone for Bloggers-Free Beta Invites

Today I got a invite from Jaxtr for beta testing. Unfortunately, they didnt know that i belong to singapore and this service is currently not available here. :-)

Never mind, but i guess this service is great especially for bloggers when you want to interact with your visitors and even for webmasters when the advertisers want to talk to you directly rather than emailing you. This is a great new way of communicating and adding that interaction to the website/blog. As a webmaster or blogger, you very well know the importance of interaction with the users. I make a point that i reply to all my emails and comments posted on the blog. Although, i hardly miss any, it's still a good idea to provide a directcall function.

One of the few benefits, I can tell without even using the service is masking your own number for callers. Caller will never get to know your real number, they will be calling you from the little widget you put on your website/blog. Additional, features include blocking annoying users. I am sure you will find loads of other competitors who would love to annoy you.lol...just block them.

This is definately a must have for all bloggers/webmasters. Jaxtr currently gives 100 minutes of free incoming calls per month. Facility to forward your calls to Voice mail.

Jaxtr curerently supports Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Guam, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and Virgin Islands and they promise to add more countries in future.

I am sure most of you will be interested in this service. However I am going to run a competition to give-away FREE Jaxtr invites. Those who will "Link and write about this post" on their blog will get a FREE Jaxtr invite.

Drop comments with ur link and email id to get Jaxtr Invites.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bangladesh might take action against VOIP

Bangladesh government have warned everyone using VOIP services in Bangladesh. The government feels they are loosing millions of dollars due to VOIP services offering free calls to Bangladesh.

"Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB) is the lone legitimate organization approved by the government for call termination and call origination abroad," an official statement says in Dhaka on Monday.
Source: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7006223535

I wouldn't be surprised if the Indian government issues a similar warning, which they already talked about but didn't take any serious steps. In future, when companies like Reliance, bharati pressurize the government, even this possibility cant be ruled out.

I wonder where the SARC countries are really moving to? Perhaps humiliation and degradation of technology and fascist regulations to support a few money-minder telcos.

Important Info : I have received some emails from people asking me about any voip provider offering calls to Bangladesh free, You guys can try LowRateVoip.com , this service offers free calls to Bangladesh (Landline & Mobile)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Totally Free Voice Conferencing

A company called HelloConferenceCall offer a totally free voice conference service in 2 easy steps. You visit their website, put in your name and select the source of your visit (from where you learn about their service). Agree to their T&C and click Submit.

Boom. It gives a US conference phone number along with access code that each participant need to use for a teleconference call.
Take a look at the screenshot, they immediately offered me with a Dial in number and a Access code#.
Now you guys must be wondering, if this can only be used in USA. Not neccesarily, you can use it from anywhere in the world. However you need to use VOIP clients such as iCall or Voipcheap
This way you can connect to the Conference number FREE of cost and then use the access code to enter conference. This conference can be better than the traditional yahoo messenger conference which needs you to hold the mouse over the TALK button in order to talk. It becomes messy when you have more than 2-3 members. You know what i mean.
The best part is this service allows 96 concurrent users in a conference, which is so cool for a large group meetings or meetups.
check their Website

So give it a try and let me know your results. If you like my articles please subscribe to this blog

Sunday, January 21, 2007

POLL: What's Your Favorite VOIP Provider?

After a series of informative posts about VOIP service providers, some user have sent me emails about adding some interactivity to this blog and share some of user's experience about VOIP service provider. I totally respect my users and i infact liked the idea of running a poll or interactive session of discussion about VOIP providers.

This is the first poll on this blog but this is just the start. I will host new polls every week and each poll will end on Friday. Although this poll started on Tuesday, it will only be available till Friday. On Saturday, I will announce the results and we can then discuss the outcome of the polls.

Update: Due to some issues with the Poll Script i was using, I had to stop hosting the poll. Neverthless, we have received numerous votes and give a pretty good picture of favorite VOIP providers among the visitors of VG (VoipGuide)

Now, Lets look at the results. VoipCheap seems to be the most favourable among the voters. Other betamax services such as voipbuster, voipdiscount are following up with their front-runner. Others are way-off, especially surpised with Jajah getting only 4 votes. However to be honest, iCall owns when you are calling USA/Canada coz it allows you to call from anywhere in the world, which is a limiation with almost all others.

Thanks everyone who voted. Next time, I will host the poll on a better website :-) to avoid issues.

Please drop comments, if you agree or disagree with the results.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

UK lags on VOIP growth

UK market and the service providers are known for being too insecure about VOIP and providing free services to their customers. Zdnet has covered a article on VOIP growth in UK and how its lagging behind other countries, coz companies in UK fear the cost of setting up VOIP cant be substantiated.

When i first started searching for free calls offers. I was expecting two countries to have a FREE CALLS for landlines/mobiles and those were USA/UK. However, it wasn't true. USA has a pretty open policy for routing calls and any TDM (tom dick harry) can give free calls to USA. You will never find any service which offers free calls to UK mobiles. At least i am not aware of. If you know any, please enlighten me. I wonder, is that something to do with the setting up cost. In my opinion, No, it's all about making money and robbing customers to pay for the connect charges.

The original article further mentions that The Brits are among the slowest to catch on to new services such as VOIP and IPTV compared to other countries, according to recent research for Ofcom. I think it's time for brits to look beyond, Big Brother and get serious about VOIP.

DingaLing offers low cost VOIP-A Jajah Clone?

DingaLing a Canada based VOIP Service provider offering a low-cost (not FREE) calling service around the globe. At the first look at their website, I can see some very familiar interface. The interface is almost the same as Jajah.

Dingaling although doesn't give you a FREE CALL service but offers a very low cost alternative to IDD. To promote the services, the company is currently offering 10 free minutes of calling within North America!

If you want to call from dingaling, you don't need a Microphone or a broadband connection, since all your calls are intiated by your phone. It works similar to Jajah, you only need to put your number and destination number and make a call.

The service will give you a call first and then connect the destination number. Jajah works just the same., however the different is Jajah is FREE & both parties should be registered members. For dingaling, you need to pay but both parties needn't be a registered members.

With more and more companies, offering FREE CALLS, I wonder how Dingaling can gain market share in this competitive market. But a good mix of these companies will ensure that the consumers have more options than the good old and now paid Skype.

Check out their website for more info

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

GOIP-Google's VOIP

With more than hundreds of new VOIP companies opening up every year or new services by old VOIP players (Betamax), I wonder if its the turn of the giant monster Google to look at VOIP seriously. If ever that happens, whatever be the result of that service, whether its a success or a failure. I can predict that it will break all hits record in recent year for a new google service :P...am i Exaggerating? Perhaps yes...perhaps NO.

Since i already on the way to juice up about this service, Lets look what we expect from Google VOIP my words: GOIP

Let me jot down some of the feature i definately would like to see in GOIP:

  1. Option to Call via Website/Client
  2. Free Calls to Landlines/Mobile from the Client (including India and other VOIP alien countries)
  3. Integration of GOIP & Google Talk as one Client
  4. GOIP will work on Win98. I know many bitch about GTalk and Win 98 non-compatibility.

Now To provide this kind of Uber functionality, we gotta understand How GOIP Might Work?

  1. Google might have to turn to Ads and provide GOIP with Ad supported Calls, of course with Google Adwords.
  2. Another ideas is to get GOIP credits for Google activity. Dont know how it will work. Just my wild idea.
  3. Gizmo like choice of adding landline/mobile numbers to account, so dont need to be online.
  4. Google might have to use a GOIP Co-operative Technology. This is another wild idea and dont know if it's possible considering the regulations. If a user calls, it connect another GOIP user in some other country and then on and on to the final GOIP user. Basically, works like supernodes.

I can't think of anymore as of now, but will definately return to this article to add some GOIP juice. In the mean time, All readers please free to comment and add your own juice to the articles. I am eagerly waiting for that GUICE

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Exclusive News: Allfreecalls.net to offer "Call back service" in 50 countries FREE

Let me first tell you that this news is Exclusive. Pat Phelan, a fellow blogger and CEO of Allfreecalls.net has sent me an email with this confirmed news. I thought to share it with you before it goes public.

According to Pat, "We will also today be adding a click to call facility where you go to allfreecalls.net and click a box, enter your number and we will ring you back in 50 countries connecting you to the allfreecalls site totally FREE"

That sounds too good to be true. On top of this,
If you are a registered member of Jajah, You can call their gateway number free of cost since they have registered their gateway number on Jajah. Effectively, Jajah to Jajah becomes a free call :-)

We have another reason to smile and use Allfreecalls.net

Three cheers to Pat for excellent work and yeah sharing this confidential information beforehand with me.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Free Anyonmous Number for Dating from Matchdigits

Matchdigits has launched a free anonymous phone number services specifically targetting the dating market. Its always been difficult for us to give out number while dating:P. Matchdigits gave a way avoid the blues and play safe.

This cute lil talks a lot of dating blues and how Matchdigits can make a difference.

The best part of the service is that you get a REAL US number to provide for dating sites. Of course, it's masked. The phone call you receieve will be first hitting the Matchdigits exchange and then transmitted to you, it can be received on PC or normal landline phone. Its your choice.

The service has the ability to change phone numbers any time you like . The service providers some of the PRO features for FREE, like free private number, Caller ID, ability to change numbers. Email, Voice mail, Call forwarding & conferencing etc.

Of course this all possible with VOIP being a backbone to the service. VOIP saves the cost of routing the calls and gives you a free service.

Check out their website for more info

Saturday, January 13, 2007

AllFREECALLS.net Hack to Make Worldwide Free Calls

Another Company, Allfreecalls is offering a free call service for USA customers. Basically it will charge to call their gateway number (712-858-8094) and once you are connected you need to dial 011-country code-area code-Phone number. So at the end of the day, you will be charged for the local call.

I live outside USA, Can I use it?

Yes, you can use it. I thought of intelligent hack (if you post my hack on your blog/website, please give me credits for the same) to bypass only USA numbers calling the gateway number. You need to use VOIP softwares like iCall or Voipcheap to connect to their gateway number. This way you don't have to pay to connect to their gateway and anyone outside USA can also call. Of course, people in USA can also use it to save their local call charges *Wink*

I suggest all user outside of USA should use iCall, since it has better voice quality and connection than VOIPcheap while using this service. Once you are connected to the gateway number, you need to use the dialpad to dial the destination number as 011-country code-area code-Phone number. Boom your call is sent to the destination number and now you can talk freely for hours and you won't be charged for the service :P. Sweet isnt it?

One of the visitor, posted a comment/email to me about making free calls to Brazil. Now you can use this hack to make free calls to Brazil and many more countries which typically don't have a free service.

Note: At occasions, the service is loaded, means too many request to the server. In these cases, your call will fail. Out of 10 attempts, it happened about 2 times to me. However, if its FREE, it wouldn't bother much to make another attempt.

You can check their website for more info, like FREE countries etc.. Please drop your comments and yeah don't forget to Subscribe to this blog.

How to make FREE Call via VOIPCheap-Proof With Call Logs

My post about Making Call with VOIPcheap & Voipcheap Hack are the hottest posts of this blog and a must read. Over the last month, I have received multiple comments and emails from visitors (already crossing 65 + subscribers & over 1000 unique visitors everyday) about VOIPcheap& mostly about how to use VOIPCheap? Some of them even questioned about the proof of my hacks and FREE CALLS.

This post will answer all your queries about VOIPcheap and will present a ready guide to making free calls via VOIPcheap. In my future posts, i will also cover how to user VOIPcheap with SIP phones.

1) First thing first, you need to download VOIPcheap
2) If you are not from the Free list of countries such as USA, UK, Singapore etc. You can check the list here, then you need to read this hack
3) Either way, you will read to this step. You can now make calls via VOIPcheap
  • You can use a PC to PC Call (for which you need to have a contact in your address book)
  • You can make a PC to Phone Call (Just dial a Internation number as seen below.
Note: You can see that I have (Only FREE Trial Calls Available)
Use the Dialogue box and type the number you wish to dial in international format (Country Code+ Area code+Phone number) and then click dial (the green icon). This will invoke the call and dial out the party. You can talk using your microphone.

  • The other way to dial is using Directdial, this way you can call using your own landline/mobile phone. This will not be possible for countries not listed in FREE LIST, since VOIP cheap wont give a call back to you.
Notice that you need to first input your number in the Your Phone number and then the destination number. and then click Call. Now VOIPcheap will first call YOU and then makes a call to the other party.

Note: This will disclose your Caller ID to the other party if that other party has a Caller ID function which most of the mobile operators have.

I guess this guide was self-explanatory and you will now be able to make FREE CALLS.

Now i am posting some screenshots to whose who questioned me about FREE CALLS and didn't believe that you can make FREE CALLS after the trial period is over or you need some Money in your account to make free calls. This isnt true. As you can already see that I dont have any money in my account and i can still make calls. These calls were between Singapore & Hong Kong.

If you still have any doubts or questions, feel free to drop your comments.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Jajah will support iPhone

As i have indicated in my earlier post about iPhone, Jajah has confirmed on their blog that they will support iPhone. jajah confirms tha they will bring the Jajah Mobile version to iPhone as soon as it becomes available in the market.

As most of you know that Jajah doesnt need to download any fancy software. The iPhone users will be able to make calls from their iPhone as long as they are registered users.

Imagine calling other iphone or even normal phones who are registered members for FREE at your comfort.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

iPhone is HERE-The sleekiest Phone of All Time

Apple today unveiled a so called Phone + ipod+ Internet Browsing machine, officially named as "iPhone". I was watching CNN this morning as steve jobs unveiled the phone at the conference, people were amazed by the features provided by iPod. The CNN video shows a couple of mins footage of the iPhone features.

One of the striking difference of iPhone is its damn sleek design just like your now favorite iPod and using your hands instead of damn silly stylus :P

According to Reuters, The iPhone is thinner than some of the cellphone industry's sleekest devices, such as Motorola Inc.'s RAZR. It will cost $499 to $599 when it debuts in the United States, and is expected to hit Europe in the fourth quarter and Asia in 2008.

During the conference, Jobs predicted that in 2008 Apple could sell 10 million iPhones, representing roughly 1 percent of the current annual mobile phone market of 1 billion units a year. Last year, the consumer electronics market globally was worth $145 billion.

In my opinion, the iPhone will gain substantial market share and will soon become the killer of mobile market. I will not be surprised to see many VOIP companies trying to make their plug-ins available to be used on the iPhone. Jajah already providers plugins for MS outlook and Firefox, they might as well do it for iPhone.

Watch Video for iPhone features and Looks

Monday, January 8, 2007

Jajah adds new Free countries & more cheaper calls to non-free destinations

Jajah has added few new countries to its FREE list. New entries to the list of free countries include from Chile, Panama, Colombia and Puerto Rico. With Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Rio De Janeiro and Belo Horizonte being added as major new cities. And last, but certainly not least, Zambia is now the first member of Free Global Calling in Africa.

At the same time, jajah is lowered the call cost to some of the most upcoming VOIP destination, India. Its hard for companies to ignore the potential of India as the next money making destination for most of the telecom service. Jajah reliased soon than their competitors and now offering india a good package. 1.1 billion people of India can now connect to the US or UK for just under 7 eurocents a minute. We need to compare these rates with Voipcheap (the other cheap voip provider). however i can gurantee you that jajah providers a high quality call and its atleast 20% better than VOIPcheap in call quality.

Hope it helps guys mostly in latin america and India. Keep calling and have fun!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Make Free Calls Worldwide with PhoneGnome- A Jajah/Gizmo Clone?

This blog has always tried to give visitors the best of the FREE VOIP call offers on the internet and here it is again. Today I am blogging about another addition to the FREE VOIP software club, new service which lets you do what Jajah & Gizmo are doing.

The service is called PhoneGnome and the service is so similar to Jajah & Gizmo that i felt i am in fact using a clone. I have made a couple of calls today using PhoneGnome services. I found it good competitor to Jajah and Gizmo who marry the traditional phones lines with VOIP.

The service is FREE only for registered subscribers and its currently FREE for more than 18 destinations (* Includes most numbers in Portugal, Argentina, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Australia, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Singapore, Greece, Norway, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, France, and Spain. Excludes Alaska and Hawaii) and for USA/Canada.

One of the most interesting feature of this service is you can receive calls on your registered landline/mobile even when you are not online. So if you are offline and your friends calls you on your PhoneGnome username, the call will be re-directed to your registered phone. This service is a definite value-add. You can also call other networks such as
Free World Dialup, Gizmo Project, and EarthLink.

Now the best part of this service, you can make unrestricted unlimited calls to anywhere in the world if you buy a PhoneGnome Box (one-time charge). Now plug-in the phone and boom you are ready to make calls to anyone in the world who is registered for VOIP service.

Effectively if you want to call India ( i have received enormous emails about inquiring free calls to India, so giving it as an example), Ask your parents/friends in India to register for this service and buy one PhoneGnome box for them. That's it you are done. If you dont belong to one of the FREE countries, then you also need to buy the box.

According to their website, the box is currently priced at $59.99 (one time price). I guess for a FREE unlimited calls anytime anywhere in the world, this price is a steal.

Happy Calling!

Talqer-Another VOIP Solution Integrates Skype & Google Talk

You have seen many plug-ins and software integrating Skype. However, there ain't many for google talk users who want to make low cost calls to normal landline/mobile via VOIP.

TalQer, is now offering user an integration of Skype & Google talk. If that doesnt fancy you, they are also offering a FREE TalQerin numberin 38 countries for receiving calls as well as free voice and call forwarding facility.

In my opinion, TalQer could be a viable solution for integrating your contacts and making calls cheaper than Skypeout but it doesnt provide a FREE VOIP service at all.

When people are getting used to more and more FREE services, I wonder how TalQer can counter-attack such offers. Although, providing Free VOIP also has it's own issues.

If you want to download TalQer, click here

Friday, January 5, 2007

Top 5 VOIP downloads to make free calls

I had been busy writing multiple articles and stories about how to make free calls using VOIP. Many of you have written several emails/comments about the articles and i have made honest attempt to reply. I am sorry if i have missed some of your comments/emails. Currently i have been receiving more than 10-20 emails everyday asking about free calls in various countries they belong to.

Unfortunately I am not GOD, I wish I could have been :p even god has limitations (not VOIP regulations, they suck). Well moving on with this article, i have seen that most of the people are totally confused about what VOIP client to use for making FREE calls. So today i am going to put down my TOP 5 picks for making FREE calls. They are a must download for all VOIP fans and also for those who want to know how VOIP can make a lot of difference to their life.

Top 5 VOIP downloads (This is my personal opinion and its not influenced by any service provider or company)

Important Note: This list does not consider services such as Jajah, who provide a online VOIP service instead of a software to make calls. Jajah is equally good as a VOIP service, however can't be listed here.

To download the software click on the title of software. Most of them are direct links.

1) VoipCheap - A must download for everyone. This software has mainly 2 version and people often get misleaded by downloading the UK version of this software which i heard ask for intial credit to make FREE calls. Please avoid downloading that version. To read instruction, Read here

2) Gizmo- Gizmo takes VOIP to a new level by offering registered members call other registered members landline/mobile numbers. The only catch is both should be registered, similar to Jajah.

3) Skype: Yeah i know you hate it now, since its no more FREE. But h0nestly, you cant beat the voice quality skype offers. Its perhaps because of their supernodes technology, which isnt really safe but heck. If you are using a SIP phone with Skype. It still the best alternative out there for a VOIP, honestly.

4) iCall: iCall lets you call USA & Canada for FREE. Now thats a perfect Skype alternative. More detail info on Icall and its services, you can read my article here

5) Sgoope : This is one of the AD supported VOIP app. The AD pays for your call. To read more about this app, read my detailed article

Besides the TOP 5, there are many others such as Tpad which gives FREE VOIPin number and free credits for receiving calls (only available in UK).

Now start calling the world!

If you like this article, you want to know the TOP 5 VOIP providers for Making FREE calls?

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Chile to be FREE VOIP Country

There is buzz in the market that chile will soon be a part of FREE VOIP nations such as United States, Singapore etc. Chile wasn't too open to the idea of VOIP and have always refused to take any action for terminating VOIP calls in Chile. It was increasing difficult for foreign players to enter in chile market or even offer services in chile. However the news confimed that Chile will soon be relasing a formal regulation on VOIP and very likely to open VOIP calls to normal landlines/Mobiles in the country.

If this move comes in reality, will definitely help everyone who want to receive/make FREE calls to chile.

Interesting Fact: In late October 2006 Chile's antitrust tribunal (TDLC) fined Telefónica Chile nearly USD1 million for blocking VoIP calls.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Making VOIP Free Calls Worldwide-A Complete Guide

I have written several posts about how to make free calls worlwide. I have seen a lot of people coming to my site from google are not able to find the exact hack or free calls guide, so i have decided to consolidate all my hacks/free call guides under one post.

This would be the ultimate guide to make call to virtually everywhere in the world. Hope this helps everyone.

Step-by-Step Guides

Worldwide Call
Top 5 FREE International Call Providers
Ad-Supported International Call
Skype Alternative to Call USA/Canada
Germany/Austria Free Call


Calling World from India
Call more than 40 countries

Now you are all set to make FREE worldwide VOIP calls with these guides. Just follow the guides & you are Done.

Enjoy making Free calls.

Now you can Safely cheat over the phone

According to Newswire, Screaming Bee LLC announces the release of two new sound add-ons for MorphVOX Pro Voice Changer. The City and Nature packs provide an ambient background to online communication, effectively disguising a user’s location. Using instant messaging or VoIP applications, MorphVOX Pro will allow you to sound like you are in a traffic jam, at a coffee shop, or at the beach.

That's really helpful for guys to pretend they are busy in a traffic jam when they are actually busy playing games? or Whatever your imagination take you to lol. It's also helpful for girls to prolly cheat on boys.

I always those who make this kinda software will definately be "Perfect Cheater", or else you wouldn' waste so many months developing softwares like that.

But this could be handy espcially to gamers. Lets see how.

City Backgrounds will provide six urban backdrops. Now you can sound like you are at the airport, amusement park, arcade, bus station, coffee shop, or in rush hour traffic.Nature Backgrounds will transport you to six new outdoor locations. Sound like you are at the beach, forest, jungle, park, in the rain, or even underwater.

MorphVOX Pro provides high-quality voice morphing for online games, instant messaging, and the professional studio. It can be used for creating voice-overs for audio and video projects. Studios that use this tool can save time and potentially thousands of dollars by creating multiple voices from existing stock audio or a single voice talent.MorphVOX Pro is optimized for online games.

Online gamers cansound like the character they play, whether they choose to be an enormous giant or a grumpy dwarf. MorphVOX Pro can be used with all online games and also works well with any chat program.

Monday, January 1, 2007

USA slaps India over VOIP Regulations

A local Indian daily,The Hindu reported that USA wants India to remove the stringent regulations over VOIP. The news in summary says that, VoIP (voice over internet protocol) "is not a new kind of telecom service but a whole new frontier in communications'' requiring a "new forward-looking framework'' and not mere a "reflexive application of legacy telecom regulations.'

USA has asked United States Trade Representative (USTR) to work for removal of "stringent'' restrictions imposed by India.

The VON Coalition said that to protect local exchange carriers (ILECs) and interexchange carriers (IXCs) from losing revenue, TRAI had established stringent rules prohibiting VoIP providers from directly interconnecting to the PSTN to terminate calls, and specifically prohibited any VoIP provider from terminating calls to the Indian PSTN, whether to a landline or mobile operator. VoIP could not be used to access India's traditional telephony devices "thereby curbing the growth of VoIP and limiting the potential of the technology to expand communications opportunities.''

I have covered this issue in one my earlier post about why VOIP can't be FREE to india if you are using any legal VOIP service. The indian government just favoring the local telcos such as BSNL, MTNL and now Reliance & bharati who want to loot you for receiving calls on your landline/Mobile.

This practice is worst than pathetic and unfortunately the indian government is protecting the interest of telco's instead of people. Its very unlikely that they will listen to USA's appeal, since there are million of dollars at stake and everyone wants that easy money.

Imagine if you are getting millions of dollars for just terminating a call? Isnt it like a golden hen? Who wants to cut it? Definitely not the Indian telco's.

If you want to comment on this article or have a different point of view, please put your opinion in comments section. Thanks.

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