Sunday, December 31, 2006

iCall- Another skype alernative- Call US & Canada FREE

Many of you are pissed off with Skype's decision to no more offer FREE calls within US & Canada and have started looking out for alternatives.

Although, i have covered many articles about the new alternatives in the market. This one is pretty cool. Its call iCall. It has something unique that many other alternatives doesn't offer. You can call anyone in US & Canada for free using iCall from anywhere in the world.

Anywhere in the world is Outstanding feature. Many other providers want you to be registered or dont provide services to traditional PSTN line countries such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc.

iCall is definately worth trying. If you like the features and service, you might wanna stick around still you have something else. You can download icall from here

For more info on features, please visit their site

If you like my articles, dont forgot to subscribe or bookmark this page.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Yahoo offers FREE calls to US on New year Day

Yahoo announced FREE PC to Phone calls to anywhere in USA. You can call from anywhere in the world as long as you have the latest version of the software. This offer is very similar what Jajah offered on Christmas eve.

To other countries, yahoo is offering very low rates.

Free calls to U.S. starts 12:00am EST 12/31/06 and ends at 11:59pm EST 1/1/07.


Philippines, Vietnam
From 12/25-1/1**

UK, France, Spain, Italy, Germany

China, Australia

For more info check here

Friday, December 29, 2006

TOP 5 VOIP Threats in 2007& How to safeguard from them

With the recent increase in VOIP hacking, Its very important for VOIP providers and users to ensure that they are safe from the probable attack.

I have covered several articles recently about Skype Threats & how to encrypt your VOIP calls to keep hackers out.

This article is mainly discussing possible voip threats to users & providers in 2007 and in coming years.

1) Inter-Company Toll Frauds: Where an outsider and an employee of a VOIP company get together and run a Toll-free VOIP business but charges the customers. Providers get 0 money since the employee routes all the call from provider's phone and outsider uses a toll-free to connect to the employee.

2) Message Interception: A user can intercept the message sent to another user and track your SIP No. & other information.

3) Enumerating: Sending direct random information to registrar servers to find information about other registered users.

4) DOS Attacks: Denial of service attacks using proxies and manipulated header info.

5) Virus/Worms: Last but not the least. Worms and Virus will be on the loose in VOIP space in future.

So beware, its time to tighten the security and go extra step further to do our best to save ourself from such attacks.

For home users, we could follow some simple guidelines to avid such attacks if not 100% they can still be effective.

1) If you are home VOIP user, dont get calls from anyone (stranger), Dont accept a call not from your contacts. Instead try to chat with him first before starting a call to verify his identity.

2) Use secure VOIP clients which can sit on top of your favorite VOIP clients. Zfone is one such application which can encrypt your call.

3) Update your antivirus software regularly. if you do it religiously, most of the virus & worms wont harm you.

If you can think about any other point, please feel free to add it in comments. I will make an honest attempt to add it to this article.

If you like my articles & guides, please subscribe to this blog.

Taiwan Earthquake & Internet in Asia-Latest Update

I have received some updates from my telecom friends that the work is currently undergoing 24/7. Although, HZ SG has posted some very interesting facts about the current status.

The current status of the work as per hardwarezone

RNAL Segment (Hong Kong - Busan) & Segment (Hong Kong - Toucheng):
- The RNAL cable path between Busan and TongFuk was down at 1243utc 26-Dec.
The other cable path, Hong Kong - Toucheng Taiwan was also down at 1942UTC. It caused the Hong Kong being isolated from the cable system. The fault point of segment HKG - Toucheng is about 731km from Tong Fuk cable station.
- Cable Ship Lodbrog arrived at the repair ground in the afternoon of 28-Dec. Plan-of-Work is not yet available but expected to complete in 5 days if everything goes smooth.

APCN System 1 Segment B17 (Hong Kong branch)
- The traffic on APCN system 1 was down since 1815utc 26-Dec. The fault is in the segment B17 (Hong Kong Branch). Power reconfiguration was completed on 27-Dec evening hence the Korea - Japan and Taiwan were back to service.
- Cable ship Asean Restorer, who is now in Singapore, is mobilized for the APCN SYS1 & SYS2 repair.

APCN System 2 Segment B5 (Taiwan Branch)
- The traffic on APCN system 2 B5 (Taiwan branch) was also down at 2044utc 26-Dec. It made the Taiwan node being isolated from APCN system. The fault location is about 920km from Toucheng cable station.
- The segment will be repaired after the System 1 work.

SMW3 S1.8 (Fangshan - BU4) and S1.7 (BU3 - BU4)
- SMW3 reported that the traffic to Fangshan was lost since 1225utc 26-Dec. It was due to two faults appeared in SMW3 S1.8 and S1.7. The fault point of S1.8 is about 44km from FangShan cable station, whilst the fault point of S1.7 is 459km from Shantou cable station.
- Cable ship Retriever, who is now in Philippine, is mobilized for the SMW3 repair.

APCN2 Segment 7 (Tanshui - Shantou) & Segment 3 (Hong Kong - ChongMing)
- The APCN2 S7 (Tanshui - Shantou) was reported down at 1606UTC 26-Dec whilst the S3 (Hong Kong - ChongMing) was also down at 1801utc. It caused the traffic isolation between Southern Asia (Hong Kong/Singapore/ Malaysia/Philippine) to Northern Asia (Japan/Taiwan/Korea).
- The HKG to Singapore/Malaysia/Philippine traffic was still working fine in the southern Asia region.
- The fault point of S7 is about 905km from Tanshui cable station, whilst that of S3 is about 2091km from ChongMing cable station.

CS KPL (Japan) will be mobilized for the repair of APCN2 S3 & S7
- China-US segment W1 (Shantou - ChongMing) & Segment S1 (Shantou - Okinawa/SLO)
- China-US segment W2 (Spur to Fangshan) was isolated since 1227utc 26-Dec. Fault point is about 9.7km from FangShan
- At 1859UTC, another cable fault developed on China-US segment S1, 502km from Shantou cable station.
- At 0207utc 27-Dec, the segment W1 (Shantou - ChongMing) was also down that made the Shantou node being isolated from China-US cable system. The fault point is about 452km from Shantou cable station.
- CS KDD Ocean Link (KOL) will be mobilized for the repair of CHUS.

FLAG FEA Sub-System 8 (Hong Kong - Shanghai - Korea)
- FLAG FEA reported that the Sub-system 8 had suffered cable fault at 2056UTC. The fault point is between Repeater 9 and Repeater 10 near Hong Kong.
- Currently no any repair schedule for the FEA repair.

Worst Case Scenario is that the internet will not be as good as it was till about 2nd Jan. Damn...i have holidays for 4 days..what a waste :-(

Sgoope- Free Calls (Ads supported) to the world

Sgoope is a new alternative to Skype. It's using Ad-supported VOIP model, similar to Globe 7. I have already discussed Globe 7 and posted a short review as a part of "future Of VOIP" post.

The most unique thing about Sgoope is the way it credits back talktime. By talking online you earn more credits for phone calls. Each time you call a Sgoope or Skype user it gives you some FREE CREDIT to make more calls. You earn 2 minutes of free talktime by talking 5 minutes with a SKYPE or SGOOPE user.

It works as follows to give you an example:

You call a Skype user from your SGOOPE phone for 15 minutes whereby you earn 60 CIMs. Afterwards you call a land line phone in Australia. The first 4 minutes are free, and for the 60 CIMs you have earned you can talk for another 5 minutes free of charge.

To see the list of free countries, Check here. Surprisingly, this list also has India and some other countries which are typically not offered under the FREE Calls scheme by providers such as Voipcheap, VOipbuster, jajah etc

With free calls to landline and mobile phones, Sgoope will soon be conquering all competitors. The calls are ad-supported. When you accept ads you get free phone time.

Additionally, you can SMS, Email and even use it as a answering machine.

you can download this application here

It's my TOP Pick of the day & Must download for all VOIP fans

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Building FREE VOIP Conferencing for Small Business using Gaming VOIP Solutions

I had covered many articles about P2P, PC2PC and PC2Phone VOIP this december. Some of my gaming friends (if you dont know i am UT2004 Player), wanted me to talk something about VOIP in gaming. so here it is. This article however is a perfect guide to build a VOIP conferencing Facility for SOHO and small businesses from a traditional gaming VOIP solution.

It might not be something new to a gamer, but for those who dont know there are such VOIP applications ever exist. In the gaming space, there are many 2 major applications being used. First and the most popular Teamspeak & second Ventrilo

These killer applications gamers have been using for long. Lets first look at them before discussing how it can be used by corporates/SOHO businesses to collaborate teams.

1) TeamSpeak: This software created a revolution in the multiplayer gaming around a couple of years back. Before teamspeak, people used to use those in game voice commands, which needs the player to press a certain key before talking. That irritates the gamers to say the least. Imagine your enemy standing in front of you and you want to call for help. You start looking for that voice command key and boom headshot. :--)

Teamspeak thought the same, they wanted to create an application which needs less bandwidth (Noob Knowledge: Multiplayer games are bandwidth hungry and little lag can make a you NOOB) and platform independent. They finally creates Teamspeak 1.0 , the initial version has VOIP as its backbone and could offer all basic functions needed by the gamer. Popularly knows TS in the gaming space, this application never looked back. Today it offers more than enough features including different audio codecs for optimum performance.

I almost forgot to mention that Teamspeak is FREE for non-commercial use. If you want to use it commercially, you need to buy a license.

We will look at how to implement Teamspeak for SOHO & Small Business in the later part of this post.

2) Ventrilo: A follower of Teamspeak, the ventrilo application looks a bit different than TS. Almost all of the features are identical and there is not much change. Some people however noticed that Ventrilo performs better on some games and lags behind on others. Ventrilo is mostly used by MMORPG & Real-Time strategy games.

I personally like Teamspeak over Ventrilo. I have seen and faced some issues with Ventilo using a Firewall.

Now we got introduction to these gaming VOIP tools. Lets look at how it can be used by a SOHO or Small businesses to collaborate their teams across countries or cities.

Before you start thinking about Skype as a solution for Voice Conferencing, Let me tell you that you cant have more than 10 skype users conferencing at any point of time. There is also an limitation to that, you need to have a dual core CPU to handle 10 people conference or else you gotta live with only 5 people max. There is also something called Skypecast. However its works like a public Web conference.

So what if you have people in USA, Germany, India and rest of APAC, say about 16., You can use Skype? No you cant?

This is where Teamspeak or Ventrilo can do wonders? Lets see how we can setup this conference facility for a small business with 20 people separated geographically.

1) We need to download the Server version of TeamSpeak or Ventrilo
2) Now install & Setup the server using help provided on Teamspeak & Ventrilo homepage and Guide.
3) You can now setup new users and assign them password. This is very important since you want it be used by a specific set of people and not by anyone.
4) It also providers a web interface to easily manage server password, user management etc.
5) Ask your team members to download the client from respective websites.
6) Give them their username/password and the server IP.
7)Boom they are in. They can configure their client for codec's etc.
8 )You can set a participant as admin or host of the teamspeak.
9) you can set filters for chat etc.

The cost involved in minimum just the cost of setting up a server, which you might have for backups etc and some licensing fee to be paid to Teamspeak.

I hope this guide helped you in understanding how to setup a quick conferencing for a small group of people.

If you want any specific guides, please let me know and i will try to cover them on this blog. Please subscribe this blog for more such cool guides & hacks.

Brunei to regulate VOIP

After the proliferation of VOIP providers in the world, everyone in the world is talking about VOIP and making free calls

however, little they know when their government would come to know about this FREE world and they think about taxing it. Well, thats the same thing prolly gonna happen in Brunei. The news appeared in online edition of Brunei Times.

Recently, Indian govertment was planning to regulate VOIP services so that they can make some quick bucks out of it. With growing popularity of VOIP, more and more developing countries will look at it as a quick money churning engine and will regulate/ban to whatever extent they can.

They would give you reasons such as:

- VOIP service can be exploited by Terrorist organisations
- Local operators are loosing money to them
- Its harmful for the country's socal and economic growth (thats really funny but you never know they would say it.LOL)

Can you think of anything else? do drop comments.

If you like my articles, please subscribe

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Skype Malware on the Loose Again

McAfee's Avert Labs encountered a new type of password stealer that uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony provider Skype's network to propagate. There is no vulnerability in the Skype service itself, the Trojan just uses the Skype network to move about, according to David Marcus, security research and communications manager at McAfee's (Quote) Avert Labs.

The Trojan, called PWS-JO by McAfee, Downloader by Symantec and Win32/Scypex.A by Microsoft, is considered low risk. This trojan should be found by most of the AV softwares if they are properly updated.

So first thing first, Go Update your Antivirus or Download one here

APAC VOIP & Internet Issues - Latest Update

I have covered the issues faced by many APAC coutries yesterday due to Taiwan Earthquake. Most of the service providers including Singtel, Starhub, MCI are badly hit by the submarine cable damaged.

It wasn't clear till today when the issue will be over. However i have confirmed news that most of the APAC providers have routed their traffic via Europe to avoid all the APAC cable issues.

I have starhub connection at home and I was playing a game yesterday. Suprisingly i was pinging better to europe servers. soon i realised that the routing has been changed and i confirmed the same with some operators. However i have noticed that its impossible to do anything even if the ping is low since the lag is huge. There is a major packet drop which you would only feel while playing games. Surfing works alright since it doesnt need a constant connection.

I shall update everyone soon on the resolution if any or the measures taken by telecom/internet operators in the region. Till then keep watching the space.

Damaka trying to build a VOIP bundle

According to PR Leap, Damaka is launching a video mail as a part of its existing VOIP/IPTV application. The press release can be found here

In my opinion, this will be a trend with many companies in the next couple of years. VOIP isnt everything about providing a solution, neither forcing users to watch videos to pay for their dialout account is gonna work (e.g Globe 7) in the long run.

Today's user want to see something beyond, something that will integrate everything under one roof. Remember Yahoo Pager initially gained a huge success but yahoo has to integrate many features to convert it to a messenger. We need the same change in VOIP space. The future is all about integrating various services under one application.

The primary focus of the application will always be VOIP, however it will provide a host of other services like a feature rich Chat interface, IPTV or Peer 2 Peer TV (like Sopcast), integrate IM etc. The application will be platform independent and free of supernodes (Read about Skype Supernodes issue)

Imagine, if you could FREE VOIP calls with free TV alongside, will that be cool enuff or we hungry for more?

What you want to see in the forthcoming VOIP IM? Please drop your comments.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Breaking News: VOIP & Internet Down in Taiwan, Korea & Japan

I have a confirmed news that most of the VOIP services including Internet is Down in Korea, Japan & Taiwan due to last night's Taiwan Earthquake measuring 7.1 on scale.

The sources confirmed that the underwater cables were broken causing international VOIP outage for Taiwan, Korea & some parts of Japan.

I am in singapore and i cant call anyone in Korea. However I got an update and myself tried calling my friends in korea on their mobile and it seems to be working for most of the providers. Even in singapore, most of the internet traffic is badly hit. It's so slow that it took me 30 tries to log-into my blogger account to post this. :-)

KT & MCI are worst hit.

I shall keep you updated on this news once i hear something my trusted sources (In Telecom industry).

Please subscribe to this blog & you will never miss the breaking news.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Philippines beat Asia Pacific for interconnecting VOIP & PSTN Lines

Philippines government told the local telecom operators to integrate with VOIP system.
The National Economic and Development Authority has asked the National Telecommunications Commission to compel interconnection between telecommunication companies and providers of voice over Internet protocol technology.

Probably the hottest news in the APAC space for VOIP. Especially, a thumbs up to the VOIP companies struggling to provide VOIP services at low cost or FREE to those million of migrants living in Singapore, Hong Kong and other APAC countries.

Due to this huge population living abroad, most of the telecommunication earnings are accounted for overseas calls. Mostly incoming, telecom operators get a good pie while terminating the calls in phillipines.

I have noted this alternative in yesterday's article and this could be a model to go ahead with countries such as India, Pakistan, Sri lanka who are very much on traditional telecom lines and have a huge growth potential for VOIP.

Recently, India however going agaisnt market practices supposedly regulate routing FREE VOIP calls to normal PSTN landlines/mobile in india. In India, There are lot of intermediate companies who charge you or your peer for connecting a call to india however they dont pay the access charge in reality. That results in giving you a cheap call but a definate loss to MTNL/BSNL, the biggest telecom providers in india.

However VOIP call does work (As of today). I made several calls yesterday using jajah.

I am sure that this news will be eye-opener to other countries and this model will be implemented soon by everyday.

Keep dropping your comments and please let me know if you are looking for any specific reviews.

Future of VOIP

When we look back about 3-4 years back, VOIP was a baby then and we never thought it would be a part of our daily lives today. We use VOIP in some way or the other, perhaps not all but most of us.

We did succeed in making this phoney world FREE to an extent. Unfortunately we still have those old fashioned junky PSTN lines charging us for terminating calls on normal landlines/mobiles. What are they charging us for are those uber junky telephones lines build some years back. I still dont know a way to get rid of those PSTN lines and make all voice communication FREE. Prolly a more deeper penetration for VOIP around the world might help creating a VOIP world. Looking at today's numbers, it still is a distant dream. Perhaps by 2020, we might have a FREE VOIP world who knows?

Some of today's companies are offering Ad-based model, like Jajah in Europe & another VOIP company, Globe7 offering a you free credits by viewing videos. I have tested both. I found Jajah a million times better than most of its counterparts like Globe7. Globe7 becomes annoying after some time, its design and overall look is so loud. It distracts users after a short time. For watching one video for about 2 minutes, i was paid some 0.05 cents at this rate, i might have to spend like 200 minutes to get a $5 into my account to make one international call for about 15-20 minutes. Well, do you think people would actually spend that much time on there for making a 15 minute call, instead they would use Jajah or Voipcheap

Voipcheap is currently offering FREE calls to landlines to more than 40 countries and in some countries even mobile. Really speaking its a great idea to promote their services and some customers will buy for paid services which will cover the cost for the FREE calls. I dont know how this model will work in the long run, will the companies will be able to provider free calls? Perhaps not if PSTN lines still exist which will never let the provider offer you a FREE calls since he will be paying for it. To give you an example, let look at how the current system works.

Say you are based in USA and want to call India Landline or Mobile, You are using Jajah to make a call. You want to call a landline number in mumbai. Say its +91-22-2123456.

You initiate a call from Jajah. Jajah first calls you and then start dialing out to the service provider in India, which is in this case MTNL. Once jajah tries to terminate your calls at MTNL, MTNL asks for a connect charge. This is where the FREE world ends. Same is the case for mobiles.

Now Companies can or might do in future?

Model 1: Companies would sit together and figure out a way to terminate FREE calls on landlines & mobiles. A distant dream but can be achieved if both parties include the cost as a part of their other services. To offer this model, companies might need to charge customers extra on services such as caller Id, international call receiving service charge etc.

Sincerely, this model might not work with most of the service providers since it requires a lot of honesty and dedication, which most of the companies don't have or don't even want to.

Model2: A more robust and workable model to make all worldwide calls FREE. All service providers will charge you a fix charge for making and receiving calls including a VOIP line. You would get a certain FREE calls for that fixed charge and over above that you would be charged. The charges will not be different for calling australia or singapore but they would be one charge rate across the world.

Model 3: All PSTN companies would offer VOIP services along with normal traditional phone lines. They would offer services such as Call PSTN and route to VOIP service. So if you call a normal landline PSTN line, the call will terminate on VOIP and you wont be charged for it. To have this service, you will need to have a PSTN and VOIP line from the same service provider. There will some fixed charge for the VOIP line.

Why i am saying that because companies will be reluctant to replace their PSTN lines with VOIP, but they would be ok with providing two services.

Model4 : The dream model. All companies can offer VOIP services at a fixed charge but you can call anyone anytime anywhere in the world and talk unlimited. Does that sound like a fairy tell VOIP service. bet.

That was my take on VOIP future, if you have any comments or suggestion, please drop by.

Merry Christmas & Happy new year till then.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Now you can make Skype Calls Handsfree

Are you stuck with your regular headphones or mic to make calls to your friends and family? Get irritated after talking for long hours? Is it difficult to talk during the train/regular travel?

Polycom , a leading conferencing solutions company has unveiled a "Polycom Communicator" for Skype.

According to Polycom, Polycom Communicator gives you the ultimate hands-free Skype experience. Based on the same technology used in Polycom's legendary line of triangular SoundStation conference phones, the Skype-certified Polycom Communicator enables crystal-clear, natural conversations when using Skype. Enjoy the freedom of not wearing your headset for hands-free Skype calls, or plug into the built-in stereo headphone port for private conversations.

In my opinion, rather than casual skype users, this device is more handy for a business user or even a SOHO/Small businesses who prolly cant afford to have the luxury of conferencing solution but still want something for group discussion.

Jajah free calls started. Call Now

Guys n Gals,

As you knew Jajah was giving away free calls on christmas , however the calls are already FREE. I already made calls to my home completely FREE.

So start calling

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Now You can make Skype Calls from Your Mobile

Stuck with Skype on PC or using a Skype SIP phone but cant use it from outside your home?

Voxlib has a solution for your problem. They have come out with this really cool system which enables a skype user to connect to this skype account from his mobile phone and then make calls through skypeout.

The best thing is you dont have to download any special software on your mobile to make it possible. You just need to install a VOX plugin for Skype on PC and install it.

However you need to have a Skypein and Skypeout services enabled on your Skype account, so it involves some cost to have a Skypein and skypeout account. The service itself doesnt charge you anything so its completely FREE (Limited Time offer only).

Lets see how it works. There are 2 ways of making calls via Skype from your mobile

1) VOX via Skypein When you call your SkypeIn number, VOX for Skype recognizes your phone number and gives you access to yo
ur Skype contacts, their presence and to cheap long distance calls from your mobile phone through SkypeOut. Additionally, you can retrieve your Skype voicemails and be informed of any missed calls.

2) VOX via SMS

You can also access your VOX for Skype application through VoxLib's Short Message Service. Simply send a SMS to VoxLib's SMS gateway. VoxLib will automatically forward the message to your VOX application running on your PC. VOX will call you (through SkypeOut) and the specified destination, connecting you into a conference. If you send an empty message or a message containing "online", VOX will use Skype to send an SMS containing all your online contacts. With a simple SMS, you can call anywhere in the world using Skype with your mobile.

So if you really interested in this really PRO function and dont have a Skype account. Get one Now. Download Skype

If you like my articles, dont forgot to subscribe

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Top 5 FREE VOIP providers for International Calls

Today i am going to jot down my TOP 5 VOIP providers for making FREE international calls. The list is purely prepared by me based on my personal experience and its not influenced by any service provider.

1) VOIPcheap - This is the original VOIPcheap and not the UK version of this company. Although VOIPbuster, uses the same software, i found this software more reliable and voice quality is of high level. This is an straight winner when it comes to making FREE calls worldwide. You can virtually call more than 50 countries on normal PSTN landlines and mobiles in singapore, USA, HK & Canada. With some hacks, you can call from countries which are not listed in FREE list but you have a work around. Check my earlier post for that hack.

Benefits: Clear voice, You can make calls from your PC. No need to buy any credits from them before making free calls. Allows PC or Phone to intiate call (via Directdial)

Drawbacks: really none.

2) Jajah: I tried jajah about 1 month back and with their FREE minutes i made calls to India. The difference between jajah and other VOIP providers is Jajah only allows you to make calls from your phone. That means You need to give your phone number and your calling party number before you can make a call. When you intiate a call Jajah first connect your phone. You pick up the call and then jajah connects to the other party.

Benefits: No software download needed. Just visit their site. No credits needed for free calls.
Drawbacks: Have to use a legitimate number before calling. Cant use PC to make call.

3) Gizmo : Popularly known as " Skype Killer". This software lets you call anyone in more than 60 countries. The only downside is that you and other party both should be registered with Gizmo and should also register your numbers. I am sure that this project will be successful and in short time the daatabase of people will be built and then its a FREE calling world.

Benefits: Making calls is easier than ever, Killer Application interface,
Drawbacks: Requires both parties to register their numbers with Gizmo.

4) Raketu- Pretty decent service which offers FREE calls to 42 countries. I am rating it higher than VOIPbuster/Discount for the very reason thats its not a clone and it uses a diff technology than skype. Skype uses Supernodes which can be vulnerable to hacking. I covered that issues in my blog earlier. Additionally it integrates with Yahoo, MSN messengers etc.

Benefits: Better technology, Clear Voice, 42 countries FREE, Integrate with other messengers
Drawbcks- Haven't found any yet.

5) VOIPBuster/VOIPDiscount: Both these companies are a total rip-off from VOIPcheap. even their softwares are identical and i wonder they are all one company with different websites and company name. But sorry to say they suck at the voice quality. They offer the same service as

Benefits:1 or more additional countries (Thailand + mobile) on Voipdiscount.
Drawbacks: Low voice quality

Please drop your comments about the list. If you agree/dont agree, please let me know. If you have your TOP5 please let us know.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

VOIP hack-Free Calls to more than 40 countries

In my recent articles, i have been constantly updating readers with the new VOIP service providers offering FREE calls to various destinations around the world.

I will definately consolidate the list to make it a quick read.

Now lets look at the new VOIP provider who assured to connect your call FREE to more than 40 countries.

Free Call Planet offers a FREE call (from US Landline, means local call charged) to about 40 odd destinations such as china, UK, Singapore, Germany, Mexico, USA, Australia etc. For full country list, Check their website.

If you are in USA and want to Pay for the local calling charge...then this is how you do it.
  1. Dial one of the numbers :1712-429-8888 or 1712-338-8288 or 1641-297-8888
  2. When the gateway answers, enter your International destination phone number using 011 for international calls and 1 + Area Code for calls to the US, Canada or Guam.

e.g to call UK landline you will dial: 011442526451212 (011 is access code, 44 country code, 252 area code and then landline number).

011 is common for all numbers its their access code must be prefixed for all numbers.

3. Wait a few moments for your call to ring through and then enjoy your free call.

(Mobile users: DO NOT HIT SEND or the green call button to avoid mobile charges. Also do not pull your phone number from your phone’s address book as it will automatically dial your call over the mobile carrier’s network instead.)

Now you must be blaming me that i was a fool to mention thats it a FREE call, when its only for US residence and additionally they will be charged a local calling charge. You are WRONG.

I discovered a HACK for this. Read this hack very carefully.

Even if you are not in USA, You can still make calls using this service.

  1. Read my article on making calls with VOIPcheap
  2. Download Voipcheap
  3. Install & register the app. (Read the article for registering from VOIPcheap available countries hack)
  4. Now you can make calls to USA free of cost.
  5. Just dial 1712-429-8888 or 1712-338-8288 or 1641-297-8888
  6. You will be connected to Free call planet gateway.
  7. Now follow instructions for US callers (see above)
  8. You can make calls successfully.

If you like my articles espcially hacks, please comments and ask for specific hacks.

Remember to subscribe to my blog.

Encrypt your VOIP Calls Keep Hackers Out

You must have heard the news about VOIP Hacking. I covered the article about a couple of days back on this blog.

Some of the readers asked me to find a solution to this issue. So without any more wait, here is the solution to all those issues.

A software called Zfone is a secure VOIP phone software which lets you make secure encrypted phone calls over the Internet. Zfone lets you whisper in some one's ear from a thousand miles away.

Zfone software runs in the Internet Protocol stack on any Windows XP, Mac OS X, or Linux PC, and intercepts and filters all the VoIP packets as they go in and out of the machine, and secures the call on the fly. You can use a variety of different software VoIP clients to make a VoIP call. The Zfone software detects when the call starts, and initiates a cryptographic key agreement between the two parties, and then proceeds to encrypt and decrypt the voice packets on the fly. It has its own little separate GUI, telling the user if the call is secure. It's as if Zfone were a "bump on the wire", sitting between the VoIP client and the Internet.

Zfone currently works with many VOIP service providers including X-Lite, Gizmo & SJphone and others like Free World Dialup,, and SIPphone.However it doesnt support Skype, since Skype uses a closed proprietary protocol.

If you want to download Zfone, please do it here

MediaRing offers FREE calls from 20Dec-Jan 6

Mediaring- A leading VOIP company has unveiled a promotion to boost their VOIP softphone download/sale by launching this innovative scheme. This scheme is very similar to what Jajah offering this christmas .

According to Mediaring,

  1. Promotion starts on Dec 20, 2006 GMT 00:00 and will end on Jan 6, 2007 GMT 23:59
  2. Promotion is applicable to new MediaRing Talk users only; Sign-up for MediaRing Talk is required.
  3. No purchase necessary.
  4. Unlimited Free calls are applicable to calls made to: Fixed & Mobile: US, Canada, China, Singapore
    Fixed: United Kingdom
  5. To make sure that everyone has an opportunity to benefit from this promotion, each call is limited to 10 minutes. However, there are no restrictions on calling the same destination multiple times.

One interesting fact they put under T&C:

During the promotion period, MediaRing will make reasonable efforts to complete calls but cannot guarantee that all calls will be connected.

LOL...who can give a guarantee when millions are trying to call on a FREE line.

Give it a Try here

Do you like my articles and want more such info about making FREE calls to any specific country, new promotions or reviews about specific product, please comments or contact me by email. I would be hapypy to put it here.

You may also contribute to this blog. All credits will be given to you as the author.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Skype FREE Wake Up Call Hack

Have you ever wanted to get woken up by a wake up call like at a hotel? Don't use those wake up call services where you have to pay $1-3 per call. With this really easy and 100% free "hack" you can set Skype to call you. You can use this to call anyone at any scheduled time...

Difficulty: EasyTime to set up: 5 minutes.


A PC/Laptop
Windows (XP; not sure about others)
Internet ConnectionUS Home or Cell number

Step 1: Download and Install the latest version of download Skype

Step 2: Register and/or Login

Step 3: Open Start> Control Panel> Scheduled Tasks or Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools>Scheduled Tasks.

Step 4: Click on Add Scheduled Task

Step 5: The Wizard will open up, just click next.Note: it may take a long time loading the next window because it's making a list of all your programs

Step 6: Choose Skype in the long list (if it's not there, Browse:C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe) and click next.

Step 7: Call it whatever you want, preferably relating to"Skype" or "Wake Up Call", Choose Daily, and click next.

Step 8: Start Time = Time you want the wake up call to call u. Choose everyday, weekday, or certain intervals, (you can fine tune these settings later) and click next.

You might be asked to enter an admin account and password to setup a task - Enter you info and hit

Step 9: Leave that stuff default and click next.
Step 10: Check the "Advanced Properties" box and click Finish.

Step 11: In the Run Box, at the end, add: /callto: phonenumber, ex: "callto:+18001111111". { note - there is no space between the : and phonenumber}

Note: Phone number is "+1"+area code+number. Such as: +1800555555

Step 12: Either click the Schedule tab to fine tune scheduling (MWF only, etc) or click Finish.

Step 13: Keep Skype logged in, and you're done!

To Test: Right click on the newly made task, and click "Run"

If you like to keep Skype up and running you will need to allow pass through calls.
Do this by opening skype --> go to : tools --> options--->advanced.Put a check mark in : Associate Skype with callto: links

Enjoy your free wake up call, keep in mind it will just ring, there will be no one on the other end. :D

If you like this article, please subscribe more such hacks.

Get a FREE anonymous phone numbers for online safety.

Did you wish that the guy on chat should call you right a way but dont want to disclose your number ?

Do you want to play prank with your friends by giving them a weird number to call and you answer the phone? LOL..

Or more importantly, you want to hid your identity from someone but have to talk to him. Then you got a choice.

You can get a FREE number for yourself and use it for 1 hour, 1 day or 1 week (max) which can be re-directed to your local phone but the caller would never know your number coz its re-directed. Isnt that cool.

just go to Craigsnumber and get your number.

If you like this article, please subscribe for more such cool Tips & Tricks.

Skype Chat exposed to Worm

Computer security analysts are studying reports of a worm that may be circulating via a feature in Skype’s popular voice-over-IP (VoIP) service.

According to Websense a leading business firewall company, he worm spreads through Skype’s chat feature. Users receive a message asking them to download a file called "sp.exe." The executable is a Trojan horse that can steal passwords. If a user runs the Trojan it triggers another set of code to spread itself.

The first infected PCs appeared in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in Korea, Websense reported on its blog on Tuesday. It said it was still investigating the issue.

I have reported a similar issues some days back about skype being vulnerable to virus and hacking attacks. Now i wonder i was so right when i wrote that article.

Jajah offers FREE Call within Germany and Austria

Another step foward from what they were doing, Jajah is now started offering call within Germany and Austria free of cost.

according to Jajah, this arrangement reaches about 100 million people. Jajah has tied up three big companies in europe mainly,

1) Pro7/Sat1 - Germany's largest television station reaching 80 million viewers.
2) Bild-T Online - Germany's largest Newspaper.
3) News-Austria - Austria's largest media company.

Each company will be incorporating the Jajah application into its web sites,. The only difference is the call will now be supported with advertising. however its not very clear how the advertising will be run.

Will it be a voice ad or banner ad? I think it will be voice ad run every time you make a call.

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Monday, December 18, 2006

Google Phone- A revolution in Mobile Phones

Google, The internet giant has held talks with Orange, the mobile phone operator, about a multi-billion-dollar partnership to create a 'Google phone' which makes it easy to search the web wherever you are. The collaboration between two of the most powerful brands in technology is seen as a potential catalyst for making internet use of mobile phones as natural as on desktop computers and laptops.

According to Guardian Unlimited, Executives from Orange flew to Silicon Valley in California for a meeting at Google's headquarters, or 'Googleplex', to hold preliminary discussions about a joint deal. The companies believe that they have an affinity as brands that are perceived as both 'positive' and 'innovative'.

Their plans centre on a branded Google phone, which would probably also carry Orange's logo. The device would not be revolutionary: manufactured by HTC, a Taiwanese firm specialising in smart phones and Personal Data Assistants (PDAs), it might have a screen similar to a video iPod. But it would have built-in Google software which would dramatically improve on the slow and cumbersome experience of surfing the web from a mobile handset.

Looks like Google is ready to storm the mobile phone market. Nokia beware!

New Linksys VOIP iPhone- A Must Buy for Skype & Yahoo Messenger(VOICE)

Linksys, a leader in communication technology today unveiled its iPhone family of Voice over IP (VoIP) solutions. The iPhone family of handheld devices harnesses the power of the Internet to enhance voice communications, integrate compelling information services, and deliver access to multimedia. In short, Linksys iPhones voice solutions and products give consumers the ability to do more with their phone than talk.

According to Linksys, iPhone enable compelling internet services, allow consumers to know when their contacts are available for calls, and offer access to personal content like music, movies and live video cameras. Now thats sounds pretty neat and cool.

Some impressive features of iPhone will definately stand out from its competitor products.

Check out the features lised below:

1) Yahoo Messenger & Skype Integration: Products in the iPhone product line integrate popular communication clients, like Skype and Yahoo! Messenger with Voice, to help enable real-time presence features that can allow consumers to see when their friends and family are online and ready to receive a call. With products in the iPhone family, callers can toggle between the free VoIP calling options available from Skype or Yahoo! and traditional landline service with the click of a button.

2) Quick Internet Search- Access to Internet services like Yahoo! Local Search and weather forecasts, the Dual-Mode Cordless Phone for Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. By programming the phone with a local zip code, people can search for local business information directly from their phone and then effortlessly place a call to the business with one click. In addition, a weather search setting permits quick access local weather forecast.

3) Multimedia Integration- Consumers can use the WIP330 to access music, photos, and streaming video from sources on the Internet so they can combine the product with wireless video cameras like the Linksys Wireless-G Compact Video Camera (WVC54GC), to create a real-time home monitoring solution.

Lets look at how iPhone are priced in USA. Maybe you could go ahead and buy one.

Checkout the latest deals avalable. Prices slashed further during Christmas time.

iPhone Cordless Internet Telephony Kit - CIT200

iPhone Dual-Mode Internet Telephony Kit - CIT300

iPhone Dual-Mode Cordless Phone for Yahoo! Messenger with Voice - CIT310

iPhone Dual-Mode Cordless Phone for Skype- CIT200

Have fun calling your friends and family.


Solegy™, a provider of a hosted VoIP software platform to quickly and easily manage and deploy new applications and back-office services, announced the availability of a free Softphone that will run on Microsoft Windows. The Softphone, based completely on open source code, can be downloaded from the company’s Website ( and access to the source code can be obtained through Solegy’s OpenSourceSIP initiative (

According to Solegy, they are offering this product to let people experience ease of making VOIP calls from their computer, but they are offer much more if service providers want customised solutions.

Solegy’s customized SIP Softphones (including video-enabled soft clients) are fully compatible with the Company’s hosted ServicePDQ™ platform. Customized versions of the softphone can include branded skins, instant messaging (with presence), and account management features such as available pre-paid balance, time left for call, and one-click purchasing of additional credit. Clients of the customized Softphone can opt to have the softphone embedded in a Web page or delivered as part of a Microsoft Windows or Mac OSX install file.

Service providers can support their Softphone customers through back-office functions that include viewing current balances and call history in real-time. In addition, the platform supports pre- or post-paid usage which can be charged through an account using credit cards, PayPal or with a recharge voucher. Back office features also include sophisticated fraud detection and prevention techniques.


-a fully compliant (RFC 3261) SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
- Open source codecs such as iLBC, speex, GSM and G.711 (Easy Integration)
-Proprietary codecs like g.729, g.723 and can be easily added by third-party developers or by Solegy™ when creating customized versions.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Skype for Your Windows Smartphone

Skype has announced that online VoIP client, Skype 2.2, has become one of the first pieces of internet voice applications to work on Windows Mobile smartphones.

Previous versions of Skype software had been available for Wi-Fi-enabled Windows Pocket PCs, but not smartphones. The beta of version 2.2 is available for about 120 different Windows-based mobile devices, and allows users to pay for and use services like SkypeIn and SkypeOut from the palms of their hands.

Key features and benefits in Skype 2.2 for Windows Mobile beta include:

• NEW: Support for Windows Mobile smartphones and more Pocket PC devices;

• NEW: Enhanced today screen: presence status, event notification (missed calls, new chat messages and voicemails);

• NEW: Proxy support: Supports regular HTTP or HTTPS proxies, and authenticating HTTPS/SSL and SOCKS5 proxies

• Skype calling features: Free Skype-to-Skype calls, support for SkypeOut , SkypeIn™, voicemail and call forwarding;

• User-friendly look and feel: As easy and familiar as using Skype on a computer, the software includes an enhanced SkypeOut dial pad;

• One-click Skype access: A Skype icon on the home screen lets users view and call contacts easily;

• Multi-person chat: Users can have multichat sessions using animated emoticons. When mobile users are offline, chat messages will automatically update the next time user logs in;

• Enhanced contact list: Users can see their contacts avatars and mood messages;

• Profile personalization: Users can take a picture with the camera on their mobile device and immediately update their profile.

If you are interested in this version, download Skype today

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Using VOIP? You are vulerable to Hacking

My recent article about Skype supernodes Security Issue has raised many questions about people actually expoliting opportunities to hack via VOIP.

With the rising popularity of VOIP and ever improving technology to connect VOIP to normal landlines/mobile to make calls, its not a front line telecom device/service which will widely used around the world as preferred telecommunication medium.

Cybercriminals will exploit vulnerabilities in the application and launch attacks, according to Paul Wood, senior analyst at MessageLabs.

MessageLabs annual intelligence report, released this week, predicts that IM attacks will become more aggressive in 2007. Social networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, will become increasingly attractive targets for hackers due to the accessible information that is posted, according to the report.

"2006 was the year that spammers took the security industry by storm and showcased their new tactics and techniques for mass disruption," said Mark Sunner, MessageLabs CTO.

"Spam has categorically shed its title of being a nuisance and is a perilous threat, which all companies need to be protected against. Next year will certainly bring more targeted and sophisticated attacks as the bad guys continue to sharpen their tools."

We can surely expect a couple of similar myspace attacks on major VOIP providers in the coming months. After Skype going to be full paid service, crackers will be on the lookout for hacking into your accounts .

Although, VOIP indusry would fight back with answers (spamguards, firewalls etc), hope its not too late before we were attacked by the bad guys.

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Skype Killer Gizmo Project

With Skype disclosing the long awaiting No-FREEanymore policy (as expected by many users), there is sure need to find a Skype Killer. An app that will provide the same quality (Voice) and a reliable service (no downtime etc).

Gizmo Project , A free VOIP service is using a similar marketing campaign to promote their product. However, it providers much more than a normal VOIP Softphone services would offer. You can call users landlines/Mobile lines as long as they are registerd in Gizmo and have registered their landlines/mobiles under their username. A pretty neat and unique concept.

Its currently available in more than 60 countries

As per Gizmo Project Website, the features provides with this software/service is as follows:

  1. Sound effects - Add Sound Effects to your calls. Open the Dialpad at the bottom of Gizmo Project window and press the emoticon button during a call. You can choose other sounds (or upload your own) from the options menu.
  2. Check call quality - Click for the Call Quality Assitant to see bandwidth quality.
  3. Pick online status. Green: Available, Red: Away/Do not disturb, Orange: Idle, Blue: On the phone, Grey: Invisible/Offline
  4. Online status. Gives the current status of all your contacts.
  5. Click Map It to view map of call locations. Get a detailed map of the location of each call.
  6. Instant Messaging (IM) - Chat instantly with your contacts.
  7. Person being called receives call subject. Let them know immediately the purpose of your call.
  8. You can record any call on your Gizmo Project phone with the click of a button. The call record button is in the active call window, next to the mute and hold buttons.
  9. Type in Gizmo name or number here to make a call. Gizmo to Gizmo call always free. You can also call any traditional phone using Call Out.
So if you are looking for a Skype alternative, give it a shot. Download Gizmo now

Windows Installation EXE

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Skype Supernodes- A security threat

Most of you guys have been using Skype for making calls locally or internationally but how many of you know that if you are a skype user, your computer is used as a Supernode for connecting a VOIP calls?

I am sure most of you know. Interestingly, Yahoo and Skype was sued in China for using Supernodes. They were sued as Malware program. Kinda funny but true.

What are Supernodes?

Remember a P2P program widely used and a big hit about couple years back, yes you got it right Kazaa. Kazaa uses supernodes to connect to its peers and share bandwidth for searches or downloads. Supernodes, however helpful but a controversial technology.

The Skype Story

Skype used to have supernodes as a part of their TOS on their website. Later after controversy, renamed it to a more confusing and ambigious statement to avoid law suits.

Issues with Supernodes

In using an application that uses supernodes, like Skype or Kazaa, you open your computer up for other users to use your resources--including your memory, cpu and network bandwidth. So without you even talking to or sharing files with anyone else, other people's communications can be relayed through your computer, using it for their communications. This results in a slower computing experience for the user, less internet bandwidth for the user, and a potential security threat as the supernodes have allowed access by these external parties.

Now to get rid of those supernodes, you prolly have to stop using Skype which you might not do. But remember to safeguard yourself. VOIP viruses might be round the corner and you can expect such attacks against popular networks such as Skype.

If you want to ensure that you not attacked, check out VOIPCheap Or try Jajah.

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Talkster bridges VOIP with Mobile

Business mobility company Talkster Inc. today unveiled a groundbreaking voice over Internet (VoIP) network that allows users to place calls from ordinary mobile phones to traditional and next generation voice services.

Talkster network will now be able to connect mobile phones to VoIP networks and devices without phone numbers, such as IP-PBX office phones provisioned inside a corporate IP network.

Talkster is the only service that lets you talk to your Instant Messenger buddies on MSN, Google Talk and Gizmo Project – without the need for any software on your phone or PC, special devices, networks or data plans from your carrier.

Talkster is currently offering a beta service that can be used by a broad array of mobile phones without requiring special software or networks. The Talkster beta service is open to users worldwide and people can sign up at to start using the beta service today.

Check out Talkster today.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Mircosoft starts VOIP testing

Microsoft after spending years of time for research, finally started to build momentum in VOIP space.

Microsoft Corp. started testing on Monday a new computer server software that allows corporate customers to make Web-based phone calls through its Office suite of business software.

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, due for release in the April-June quarter of 2007, will push the software giant into the business telephone market at a time when many large companies shift to cheaper telecommunications powered by Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology.

The new voice server will allow users to instantly call anyone from within Office applications by clicking on a person`s name and initiating a call.

For example, a worker who receives an e-mail in Office Outlook from various colleagues can simply click on each colleague`s name to check their availability and place a person-to-person phone call or arrange a conference call.

Mircosoft starts VOIP testing

Microsoft after spending years of time for research, finally started to build momentum in VOIP space.

Microsoft Corp. started testing on Monday a new computer server software that allows corporate customers to make Web-based phone calls through its Office suite of business software.

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, due for release in the April-June quarter of 2007, will push the software giant into the business telephone market at a time when many large companies shift to cheaper telecommunications powered by Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology.

The new voice server will allow users to instantly call anyone from within Office applications by clicking on a person`s name and initiating a call.

For example, a worker who receives an e-mail in Office Outlook from various colleagues can simply click on each colleague`s name to check their availability and place a person-to-person phone call or arrange a conference call.

Receive Calls on VOIP & Get credits

TPad, another VOIP company is offering a Promotion to its softphone users. Tpad gives away a FREE incoming number (not aavailable with most of the VOIP providers) which is very handy, if someone wants to ring you on a VOIP softphone number. Traditionally, VOIP software providers facility to call out but hardly any has call in facility. This one has it and it works pretty ok.

However Tpad is only FREE for making calls another TPad number, means you need to pay for calling landlines. If you dont like to pay and looking for a FREE service, you should check my earlier post about making FREE calls around the world.

As per their website, the current promotional offer will pay you $0.02 credit per minute for When ever one of your Friends / Family rings your Tpad Number from a UK Landline / Mobile.

If you wanna go ahead and register at their site, please do so.

If you like my articles, subscribe to blog feed. This will ensure that you dont miss the promotions such as Jajah christmas promotions.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Jajah giving away FREE calls on Christmas

Jajah, another VOIP company from the FREE VOIP league will be offering FREE CALLS on Christmad day 25th December 2006.

You dont need to download anything but just visit their website, Jajah. You will have to Register before 24th December to avail for this offer. The registration will also give you about 5-10 minutes of Talk time FREE so you can try out the service.

According to Jajah's Website,

It means you can make calls to Zone 1, 2 and 3. In fact most of the countries are covered under this.

I have a bunch of people coming from India and always asking about FREE calls to India. This is one such opportunity to make calls back home. Although, as Jajah stated on their FREE usage Policy, I suspect they wont allow you to talk for unlimited time. I am not too sure about this but its my gut feeling. Anyways about 100-200 minutes on that day should be good enuff for you to call home and friends to wish Merry Christmas.

Lets look at those Zones where you can make calls:

Zone 1 : USA, Canada, China, Singapore, Hong Kong
Zone 2: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, San Marino, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, Venezuela

Zone 3: Algeria, Andorra, Anguilla, Armenia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burundi, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, El Salvador, Estonia, French Antilles, Gibraltar, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macao, Malawi, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Togo, Turkey, Uruguay, Virgin Islands (US)

So what are you waiting for.............Register Now.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Microsoft Unveils VoIP Solution

Microsoft today opened a private beta of its new enterprise voice communications server, Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007, to 2,500 IT professionals. Office Communications Server 2007 allows companies to integrate voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) technology into existing telephony infrastructure, eliminating the need for expensive network overhauls and also extending the useful life of existing investments. The new voice server will also allow workers to instantly launch a phone call from 2007 Microsoft Office applications, such as Office Word 2007, Office Outlook® 2007 or Office Communicator, by simply clicking on a colleague's name to determine his or her availability and initiate a person-to-person or multiparty call.

The VOIP solution will also support SIP. SIP is fast becoming a standard for VOIP phones and SIP phones are all ih huge demand. It doesnt suprise me that MS uses SIP as the adapter.

Office Communications Server 2007 can be deployed with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, a cornerstone of Microsoft's unified communications portfolio. Exchange Server 2007 complements the voice capabilities of Office Communications Server 2007 with a built-in auto-attendant for answering and routing inbound voice calls as well as unified messaging that unifies voice mail and e-mail in a single inbox. Exchange Server is available for evaluation at

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Indian Government to regulate VOIP

We all knew you can make calls out to USA, UK and other european countries for free with VOIPCHEAP (Please check my review of this software in earlier posts). Unfortunately, India has been a part of the VOIP Free club and has always denied getting into it. One of the issues, the regulatory in India which is constantly against the growth of VOIP and has never let it enter the market. Although, there are many other ways by which VOIP has got into the country.

However, you can't still route your calls to normal PSTN (MTNL/BSNL/Other landlines) for FREE since they still charge a connect charge to it. That makes you pay for that so called FREE VOIP. Althoug,h, there are many ways you could get through it by using a SIP Phone. I would write a detail article on how you can make FREE calls using SIP phones to India from anywhere in the world and vice versa. Please check back soon.

It seems that the indian government is too scared about the potential growth and smart NRIs using cheap VOIP services to call back india so they have now decided to regulate it.

According to the new VOIP policy, Companies must reveal the names of authorised service providers they purchase bandwidth and internet telephony minutes from. Companies will also have to promise that they will not use the services of unlicensed foreign providers.

The paper says that Department of Telecommunications’ (DOT) estimates that 30 million minutes of internet telephony are provided every month by “unlicensed” services. The department also said that VoIP services could pose a security risk as they are not subject to Indian regulatory and policy framework.

Hats off to India and NRI's now its time to get flexible on your SKYPEOUT bills, unless you can find the next FREE VOIP provider or get a SIP phone for yourself and your family.

Indian Government bans Skype and Other VOIP

the Indian government announced a ban4 today on Skype and other VoIP services such as Net2Phone. The government warned call centers and said they will face harsh penalties if they continue to use such VoIP services. Call center operators will have to furnish the names of carriers from whom they are buying bandwidth and VoIP minutes.

The Indiatimes says:

The companies will also have to give an undertaking that they will not use the
services of unlicensed foreign service providers such as Net2Phone, Vonage,
Dialpad, Impetus, Novanet, Euros, Skype and Yahoo. As per Department of
Telecommunications’ (DOT) estimates, these unlicensed service companies provide
30 million minutes of internet telephony per month to corporates, call centres
and BPOs in the country.

I simply cant understand when india says that they want to GROW in future. I guess the future will never come if they follow the guidelines set by Reliance and Bharati. The government is sold in the hands of these companies which are currently tweaking telecom regulatory rule in their favour.

Poor Indians.............Poor Skype user who bought those Skypeout minutes to call back Home.

Please read my articles on how to call India for FREE.